💔Breakup Headcanons💔

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• It wasn't suppose to go like this

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• It wasn't suppose to go like this...

• You and Mao Mao got into a fight, but that was normal for you two!

• Mao Mao would do something stupid, you'd get mad at him, he gets mad at you, y'all fight for a few days and then you go back to normal.

• But there was something different about your last fight.

• You felt tired.

• Tired of yelling, tired of crying, tired of hearing Mao Mao make the same empty promises.

• "I can't do this anymore..."

• Mao Mao eyes widen and his heart gets caught in his throat when he hears you mutter those words.
- "(Y-Y/N), you don't mean that!"

• Honestly, you didn't know if you meant it, but something needed to change and this seemed like the best option.

• Tears poured down your face as you said your finally statement to Mao Mao
- "You're so worried about what you're dying for, that you forget what you're living for."

• Mao Mao's face was filled with instant regret as he watched you grab a few of your things.
- "Don't go, I-I can change! I'll c-change for you!"
- "That isn't my first time hearing that come from your mouth."

• You walk towards the front door, but something grabbed your arm.

• It was Badgerclops.
- "(Y/N)? Are you sure you really want to do this?"

• You voice was quiet and broken, tears were pouring down your face, and you looked like your dog went missing.
- "No, I don't want to do this, but I need to."

• Badgerclops and Adorabat glance at each other sadly as they watch you walk out the door.
- "She's gonna be back, right? This is like all the other fights they had...."
- "I don't know, Adorabat, I really don't."

• Mao Mao is a wreck without you.

• Imagine the way he was in Adoradad and times that by 1,000.

• Adorabat was suffering DCS (Divorce Child Syndrome)
- "Will I live with (Y/N)? Will she come over for Christmas and my birthday? WILL SHE EVER COME BACK?!"

• Badgerclops is annoyed and worried at the same time.

• Annoyed: He wished that you and Mao Mao would get it together.

• Worried: But what if you never did?

• And you..........you were flat out depressed.

• You stayed with Snugglemagne after the breakup.

• Snugglemagne was very nice and made everyone treat you like a princess. OR THEY'LL BE SENT TO THE DUNGEON-

• One night you were sitting on your bed and you heard something outside-

(A/N: don't ask, he's my favorite male cover artist-)

• You look outside to see Mao Mao singing sadly while Badgerclops strummed a guitar with a tired expression.

• While Mao Mao sings, you two make eye contact.

• You both see the pain in each other's eyes.

• Mao Mao was singing, but he didn't think you'd really forgive him.
- Mao Mao's thought: Even if she never forgives me, she'll at least know how I feel.

• But then Mao Mao saw it....

• The small smile on your lips.

• Mao Mao smiles as tears pour down his face and he continues pouring his heart out through the words.


• You let out a quiet laugh and Mao Mao goes pale as the king screams.

• You and Mao Mao smile at each other.

• Maybe you two could still be together after all.....

A/N: I just couldn't end this on a super sad note. MAH HEART COULDN'T HANDLE IT-

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed


(COMPLETED) Mao Mao x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now