Catnip Headcanons

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• If Mao Mao eats catnip, it's mostly because Badgerclops pranked him.

• And that's what happened today.

• Mao Mao and Badgerclops came to an agreement a while back where Mao Mao would cook some days and Badgerclops would cook other days.

• For some reason, Badgerclops thought it was a good idea to mix in some catnip with Mao Mao's food.

• 1 hour later, you noticed Mao Mao was acting weird, like really weird.

• Mao Mao was extremely clingy and wasn't ashamed of it.
- "Where are you going, (Y/N)?"
- "To the bathroom."
- "Can I come?!"
- "No..."
- "Please! I promise to close my eyes this time!"

• Normally, Mao Mao wouldn't be so bold. You had to make a move so you and Mao Mao could have your first kiss!

• Mao Mao was also really nice to people he wouldn't normally be nice to.

• He was almost like......Pink Mao.

• You were automatically concerned.
- "Mao? Are you ok?!"
- "No not really."
- "What's going on?!"
- "I need physical affection. Can I have a kiss or 20?"

• So you did what any concern girlfriend would do when she thinks someone did something to her boyfriend...............

• You attacked the Sky Pirates.
- You: WHAT DID YOU DO TO MAO MAO! *chases Orangusnake•
- Orangusnake: We didn't do anything yet! Stop chasing me with that look of murder in your eyes!

• After beating up Orangusnake for 2 hours, you realized he was telling the truth.

• You felt bad and sent the Sky Pirates a pizza later that night.

• Anyway-back to Mao Mao, he attached himself to your arm the second you got home
- "Where'd you go, (Y/N)?! I thought you were never coming back!"

• It was concerning and cute at the same time.

• Mao Mao pulled you into kiss and then you tasted it......

• Catnip.

• You automatically went to Badgerclops and smacked his switch out his hands.
- "Dude what the heck?!"
- "What did you do to Mao Mao?!"

• Mao Mao (who was still on your arm btw) looks at you with a confused smile.
- "I'm ok, (Y/N). I will always be fine with you by my side."

• Badgerclops snickers and you throw a pillow at him.
- "This isn't funny!"

• Mao Mao did a complete 180 and hissed at Badgerclops.
- "Don't hurt my (Y/N)!"

• Badgerclops backed up a little and let out a sigh
- "Fine....I'm sorry, Mao Mao should only be like this for a few more hours."

• You dragged Mao Mao into the dojo and Adorabat was in there, drawing.
-Mao Mao: Hi Adorabat! 😃
-Adorabat: Hi Mao Mao! 😃

• Their interactions were the cutest thing ever.

• You guys played Mario Party for a few hours before Mao Mao got drowsy and fell asleep in your lap.

• The next morning, Mao Mao was back to normal.

• But he felt like he had a hangover.

• He spent the whole morning asking you what happened.

• You didn't tell him about the catnip. You liked cuddly Mao.

• And you wanted to make sure you could see him again. *evil laughter*

(COMPLETED) Mao Mao x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now