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Sonics POV: What just happened last night? Was all of that true? The whole prophecy thing? The silver hedgehog and his helpers? Were they all real?

Shadows POV: I still have so many questions about this. Wanting answers I headed to the Library before breakfast. I found a book with the legend in it with Rouge's help. So it's true. The prophecy thing is true. That's when Espio, the royal duke entered. "You're mother requests you in the dining room for breakfast your highness" he said. "Be right there" I replied. I gave Rouge the book, "can you take it back to my room?". "Of course your highness" Rouge bows and leaves.

I make my way to the the dining room, expecting something from father. As I entered my father glances at me while my mother was smiling. "Mother. Father" I greeted and sit down. "We want to talk to you about something" Father said.

Sonics POV:
I was in the courtyard as my father takes a deep breath. "You know about it. Don't you?" He asked. "Know about what?" I asked. "The... prophecy" mother choked. "Wait. That wasn't a dream?" I immediately asked. "No. No it isn't son" father places his hand on my shoulder. "We were trying to protect you from the Scrap Brain Kingdom all this time. We're sorry we didn't tell you" mother said.

I was in complete disbelief. So my parents were hiding this from me all this time? I just stayed quiet and breakfast was silent. After I finished eating I excused myself from the table. "This can't be happening" I whispered to myself. I walked down to my room, and continue telling that to myself. It all has to be a dream. Right?

Shadows POV:
I. Was. Angry! I have already destroyed half of my room after hearing my parents. Saying that it was true. This purpose? It's fake. It has to be. What does all of this mean then? Why is this happening now? "Grrr," I said as I laid on my bed.

I hate to admit it but I was starting to tear up. All of my life I was told about taking over, concur, all of that. Now that this thing is here. What is my purpose? What am I destined to be? Grrr. I. Hate. This! The next thing I knew I was covered in my bedsheets. I'm really confused. Was my life a lie? What am I supposed to do now? I sniffed.

Sonics POV:
I decided to talk all of this with Blaze. "So this is what's happening now huh?" I said to the purple cat. "Apparently so your highness" Blaze said. I sighed and laid on my bed. "You know. Maybe you should follow that white hedgehogs instructions" Blaze said.

"Is he to be trusted though?" I said in disbelief. "I'm just saying. He might have more answers" Blaze said. I sighed and sit up. "Alright. I'll do what he says, temporarily" I said. Blaze smiled and puts some of my things back. "Thank you your highness" Blaze said bowing. I hate formality so I gestured my hand signaling her to rise.

"You could try to look more into it in the Library you know" Blaze said. "Alright then. Race you there!" I said in a childish attitude. I dash off to the Library, could've sworn I heard Blaze giggled on my way out.

Shadows POV:
Rouge was in my room petting my quills. As I would normally push her away gently, I didn't felt like doing that. I still can't believe I have been lied to my entire life. Now what?

This is something I can't take. Now I don't know what to believe in either. "Shadow, we might need to prepare for next week" Rouge said and moved her hand away from me. I take Rouge's hand and look at her with confidence. I used my other arm to wipe some extra tears and nod. "Alright Rouge, if it's truly worth it" I told her and get off my bed. "Oh! Also, how do you feel about that blue hedgehog?" Rouge said. I felt a light blush on my cheeks and put my head down so that Rouge won't see. "He's cu-. Alright" I quickly replace my answer. "If you say so" Rouge said.

"What do you think of the cat?" I asked hoping it'll be a comeback. It backfired. "I think I want to be her best friend" Rouge answered. I simply said, "hmph and look through the book I recently found.

Sonics POV:
I was searching through some books when Blaze came up to me. "Find anything?" I asked. "Not to much. Just some things why we should stay away from" Blaze answered. "Alright. Let's keep looking" I said and take another book. Looking through the book I found a picture of my necklace I've been wearing recently.

Energems: Blue and Black
Owner: Silver the hedgehog
Element: Harmony
Ability: Mind Link, Chaos, Spin Dash, etc.
Power: High

So that was what my necklace was called. An 'energem', I think I should show Blaze right away. "Blaze?" I called out. "Yes your highness?" Blaze answered walking up to me. "I think I found something really interesting" I said showing her the book. "Why is it in the fictional history section?" Blaze asked as we sat on a table. Well, I sat on the table. Blaze sat on a chair backwards. "I don't think people believe this as fact while others consider that it used to exist or something" I said scanning through the pages. That's when I guess Blaze noticed something while I was scanning.

"Wait. Go back one page" Blaze said holding her hand out showing that I should probably give her the book. Blaze looks at the page and from the expression of her face I can tell that she wasn't expecting to see whatever was on that page. "I think you should look at this" Blaze said handing me the book.

Shadows POV:
After the drama on finding out my new purpose and stuff, I was still in complete shock of what we found out in a night and a day. "Rouge? What? Did? I? Just? Read?" I said handing her the book.

"Wellll, we learned about the necklace giving you powers of 'Chaos'. Then we found out about this" Rouge said looking back at the book. "If it's true then what we are reading will probably determine what is there to come" I said with a concerned voice. "Yes, one thing I don't understand though is that your parents seemed to already know about this. Why would they raise you otherwise?" Rouge asked. "I don't know. This is really confusing and I now have more questions than ever" I said putting my head down in frustration.

"Looks like our best bet is to listen to the silver hedgehog" Rouge said. I put my head back up and say, "Alright. How long should I though" I asked looking at Rouge still in her chair. "Well, maybe until this 'prophecy' is fulfilled" Rouge said using quotations. "Let's go back to my room and talk until dinner" I said and we leave.

Sonic POV:
Aside from the interesting breakfast and awkward brunch, Blaze and I were trying to learn more about this. This thing that just gets more and more confusing as it goes on. First, we found a book with a necklace. Then, we sensed that we go to the barrier so we snuck out. Then, we met my apparent cute rival. I mean apparent rival, then met some white pothead leader, and now the research revealed my necklace and that.

Am I missing anything? 'No'. "What was that?" I asked. "What was what?" Blaze asked going back to me. "I thought I heard a voice" I said. "Maybe it's the only normal imagine thing" Blaze said putting her hand on my shoulder. 'Yes this is not your imagination'. I froze and look around. "There it was again" I said and Blaze starts to pull my arm.

We reached my room and I heard another voice. A new familiar voice. 'Who is this?' I heard aggressively. 'Calm down' I thought. 'Okay, assuming that there's two people or something. Who are you?' I heard the aggressive voice again yet calm at the first part of the sentence. 'I'm the white hedgehog you met yesterday and no. It was not a dream Prince Shadow' the calmer voice spoke. 'Like, the one I assumed I dreamt last night?' I asked hoping to not insult whoever it was.

'Yes and don't think I'll be offended by that. You just met me so it's understandable' the hedgehog said. 'This is weird' me and Prince Shadow thought.

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