Training Session

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The group were in a big arena room. This has mattress on the floor and bottom walls, dummies, wood swords, plastic nunchucks, water balloons, etc. Technically your average training arena. "Geez. How big must every room be?" Sonic asked putting away his shoes and taking out training boots. "I guess the build limit is endless or something" Shadow said.

Knuckles enters the changing room where they're at. "You boys ready for your first training sech?" Knuckles asked. "Sort of" Sonic answers. "Depends on what you're planning" Shadow said. "Two on one to see how much training you'll actually need" Knuckles said smirking. "Wait. We're fighting someone on the first day?" Sonic asked. "Think of it like a pre-test" Knuckles said.

Meanwhile, Amy was telling Rouge and Blaze the same thing. "Why would we need to be involved? Just out of curiosity" Rouge asks Amy. "To back up Sonic and Shadow if needed" Amy explains. "Alright. Not everyone can do it by themselves anyway" Blaze said. Amy nods and the girls make their way out.

"Hey girls. You ready?" Sonic asked. "If you are" Blaze answers. The two high five. Rouge was next to Shadow trying to have a conversation with him but Shadow gets distracted by the blue hedgehog. Rouge noticed and smirks about it. Knuckles came up to the group and claps twice to get their attention. "As I told the boys and Amy should of told the girls, we are going to have you fight each other. Blaze vs. Rouge and Sonic vs. Shadow" Knuckles explained and blows his whistle. The four goes to their proper groups and start.

Blaze POV:
Before we started me and Rouge takes a quick glance at the boys. They hesitated before going at it, but it doesn't really seem like they want to harm each other.

"I guess it's our turn to start" Rouge said backing up and getting into position. I nodded and do the same thing. We nod and I ran up to her. I tried to punch her but she held it, that's when I got the idea to turn quickly and Rouge swung to the mattress. "Your good" Rouge complimented. "Thanks" I said and Rouge flown to me doing a roundhouse kick at my head. "Your not to bad yourself" I said sweeping Rouge to have her fall. I stood up and backflipped twice and make the come at me gesture. Rouge nodded and flies at me with the attempt to punch me, I dodged it barely and held her leaning. A mistake on my end, as we both fell down. End in tie. We just laughed it off.

Shadow POV:
I was under Sonic as I couldn't bring myself to do any real damage. He's just so-. No! I got to snap out of it! 'I am just so what?' I heard. I just kick Sonic off me and get off ignoring the other voice. 'Oh. Finally fought back, huh?' I heard. Sonic tried to spin dash me but I jumped and turned a bit on air. Charge and used 'Chaos Spear'.
Like the name? I just made the name up. I thought about asking the others. 'Nice. Both the name and the move. Of course, you're better than both when it comes to the looks' I heard. Alright I'm going to ask about it later.

I just stood there for a second and looked at Sonic. There was a bruise on his left knee but overall he seems fine. Sonic tackles me and laughs a bit. Seems like he's having fun. So I turned only for me to be on top of Sonic. He kicked me off, I was laying down. Sonic gets up and so do I but I still couldn't bring myself to hurting him. 'Why?' I heard. I have no idea. After a while there was a winner. That was me but I think Sonic should of won that.

"That was both epic and long" Rouge said walking up to us with Blaze. "Thanks" me and Sonic said in unison. The girls giggled but I assume it was just because of the surprise unison. Knuckles clapped slowly walking up to us. "Great job everyone. Maria will be here with results soon so feel free to talk amongst yourselves for the time being" Knuckles said and we all nod in understanding.

Sonic POV:
I could use a run. I haven't really done that for a while. Where could I run without getting into trouble though? 'You could just run here. This training room is pretty big'. I didn't know where that voice came from but I decided to listen to it and run here. It wasn't too bad.

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