New Place, New Adventure

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A/N: Sorry about the title of this chapter. I couldn't really think of one. Enjoy! 🙂

Sonics POV:
Me and Shadow came down the cliff carefully and are now in some sort of jungle. "Is it just me or does this place look a bit like our VR experience?" I asked. "It certainly looks a bit like it but we need to get out of this jungle so that we can save Skate and fulfill the prophecy" Shadow said. "Okay" I said. We kept on going.

"Looks like we are closing on the end" Shadow said. "Alright" I said then we heard a roar. "Was that you by any chance?" Shadow asked me. I slowly shook my head and pointed at him. He shook his head and then there was growling. The growling got louder. "Oh boy" I said when I saw a nonmobian tiger hiding in the bushes behind us.

Shadow takes my arms and softly pulled me behind him and we slowly backed up. The tiger was in a "I'm going to pounce you for lunch today" position. Which got me very nervous. Problem: The  tiger was slowly following us as we backed up. "No sudden movements" Shadow whispers. "Alright" I whisper back and the tiger pounced when a nearby bird chirped. Thanks a lot bird. We barely made it out because it got Shadow. I spin dashed the tiger and let go of Shadow which then we ran out of there fast.

"That. Was a. Close one" I said out of breath. "Yeah it definitely was" Shadow said and forged on. We just kept walking through what seems to be an Abandoned City. Broken buildings, no sign of mobian life, nothing. It was really creepy and I don't like it.

Shadows POV:
After the tiger incident me and Sonic found ourselves in an Abandoned City of sorts. We were getting hungry and there's no food around. That's when Sonic and me felt something move in our quills. Sonic got a bit scared and with a count of three we reached into our quills finding not one but two familiar faces.

"Blur? How did you get in there and why?" Sonic asked his Aphire. Blur started to talk about their contribution to the battle and that they hid in our quills when they saw us getting ready to leave. I got to say, Aphires are persistent. Not bad for little creatures that were never meant to be part of their prophecy part of this adventure.

"So that's how they got there" Sonic said. I nod and they sat on top of our heads. We started forging in the city looking for stuff that could help survival wise because we are in a new environment. Who knows what is out there aside from the tiger? "Find anything?" Sonic asked us. "Not yet" I responded and we kept searching for items.

Sonics POV:
I asked the others on if they found anything useful but they didn't find anything. Just our luck. We got attacked by a tiger and now nightfall with no resources other than sticks from the forest and some hopefully safe to eat berries. Hopefully.

"Got some more firewood" Shadow said with a pile in his hands. "Thanks Blackberry" I said and he puts the wood in the fire. Our pets are sleeping in a box with a torn up pillow and Shadow and I are planning on resting in some piles of leaves. "I wonder how everyone else is doing" I said with my head down. "I'm sure they're handling things fine Blueberry" Shadow said and I start cuddling against him cold and tired.

"You should sleep Blueberry" Shadow said and I shook my head. "Not yet" I yawned and go against his chest hair. It's really soft and before I know it I fell asleep. Tomorrow is another day.

Shadows POV:
Sonic fell asleep on me but I don't mind. I'm trying to keep the fire up to last the night and once the fire is ready for the night I get ready for bed. I pulled Sonic higher, get into a comfortable position, and slept wrapping my arms around him. The leaves and Sonic are actually very comfy.

Morning came and I felt something on my nose. "Wake up Blackberry" I heard. I don't want to Sonic. Let me rest a little longer. "We have a prophecy to fulfill" I heard Sonic say. I slowly got up and stretch. Blur came to us and place down some berries. With a dirty mouth too. Darkquill was next to him and he puts down some more berries for us. "Thanks guys" Sonic said. They chirped happily and nod.

We eat the berries and moved forward. We slowly walked up to some more buildings as we moved and found a reasonable pack in a backpack Darkquill found. "What happened here?" Sonic asked as we left. "I don't know but I think Skate has something to do about it" I said and Sonic nods. We forge on.

Sonics POV:
We kept walking through some grass fields and climbed some mountains that we can't go around. I hope we can get to where we need to go. This is really tiring to go through.

~5 days later~

Sonics POV:
We finally made it to some sort of gate. I tried to push it with the help of Shadow and our Aphires but that gate is not budging. "Maybe we need to pull it" Shadow said. So we tried to do that and it only moved like an inch after using all our strength.

"That's one heavy gate" I said. "Yeah and we can't keep doing this" Shadow said. That's when I got an idea. "What if the Chao fly over to the other side and push while we pull?" I asked. "Worth a shot" Shadow said and when we tried it the door opened enough for me and Shadow to slip through. So we got passed that and took a breather. "That was heavy" Shadow said and I nod. "Yeah, maybe we should've came in more prepared" I said and get up. "Well thanks to my father we couldn't prepare that much" Shadow comments and I shrugged. "Yeah he couldn't get a hint. We need to save the Kingdoms and all he cares about is conquering 'Green Hills'" I said.

We continued on forth and found an endless ocean. There's no where else to go. "Is that where we should go?" I asked Shadow. "I don't know but we can't turn back now so we'll need a boat" Shadow said. I thought about it and see some nearby logs and Darkquill found some vines. "I got an idea" I said and we made a raft. "Is it stable?" Shadow asked. I got on and give a thumbs up. "It feels sturdy enough" I said and he nods. Blur came back with Darkquill and some long flat sticks. "Let's go" I said.

Shadows POV:
So me and Sonic pushed our raft to the water and get on. Blur and Darkquill sat on the front while me and Sonic are at the back. We row to what seems to be a palace ahead. We're close to our destiny and just like before, 'I am ready'.

"You ready guys?" Sonic asked us. "More than you'll ever know" I answered while the two Aphires nod. "Then let's do this" Sonic said and we close into the Palace.

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