Return to Safe Space

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"Welcome back chosen ones" Silver greeted excited to see the four. "Uhh.. hi" Sonic said trying not to be rude. "Okay, I'm assuming that your parents just told you that this is real and that you have researched more on our topic" Silver said in his throne gesturing the four to go to their seats. "Yes" Sonic said as he sits down.

"Are you hungry?" Silver ask as food appears on the table. "Um... thanks" Sonic said getting some bread. "Your welcome" Silver responds as the group starts eating. 'This is really strange' Sonic and Shadow thought. They look at each other then continue. 'They discovered one of their powers. That's good' Silver thought. The meal stayed silent and each time one of the princes think of something, the two takes a quick glance at the other.

Once everyone had finished Silver allowed the group to take themselves on a tour around. Him thinking that it shouldn't be too bad since it's small. Right? It's just 2,000sq. x 2,800sq. That's the entire property after all! Turns out he was wrong.

Sonics POV:
So Silver I think was his name said that we can explore. After a while of walking entering every door and accidentally finding the girls bathroom, I got completely lost. This place is so big! There's a room for literally anything.

As I continue on walking I ran into Shadow. "Oh! Hey Shadow" I greeted. "H-hi Sonic" he quickly said and turn his head away. Did I do something wrong? I mean I know that our two Kingdoms aren't exactly friends at the moment but it'll be nice to get along. Especially since a lot of weight was put on our shoulders. 'He is cute' I heard. 'That voice' I thought. "Hey did you-" I get cut off with the sound of the girls giggling. "Hey look. Let's see what the girls found" I said pulling Shadows arm towards them.

Shadows POV:
Sonic pulled me towards the girls and we said hi. I was really glad that situation was over. Did Sonic figured out about it yet? I really don't know about his behavior. My father said that he was cruel, selfish, and annoying. He more seems childish, adventurous, and cute. Why can't I stop calling him cute!? 'Umm... Thanks?' I heard.

So we just continued on exploring for the rest of the day. We found out where certain rooms are and even found rooms that seems almost... magical. I didn't believe magic until now.

Sonics POV:
This. Place. Is. Awesome!!! There are three bedrooms, one giant kitchen, a library, tennis court, basketball court, girls were freaking out about spa and salon. I like the field. Shadow seemed to like the gun storage which somehow Silver allowed use at anytime. Kids? Don't use one yet. Just don't.

We also found a movie theater, training chamber which was awesome, gaming room with VR, and a lot more. So much that I can't explain it all. How did this place stay hidden for this long? I would understand if we just tumbled through a portal to an another galaxy, or we are at another universe but actually we are. I don't know where we are. I expect some random kid just wandered to far and fall down here but nope. That apparently never happened.

In all honesty I love this place. That and a certain black and red hedg- what!? Um.. hehe. I mean that I love this place and.. it.. would.. be.. awesome.. if Shadow.. and I will... I-I mean. Aah!

Shadows POV:
I might of heard what Sonic was thinking but I couldn't understand it. First, yes this place is cool. Second, why hasn't anyone found this yet? Last, um... thanks? I guess? I don't know if it's a compliment or not. 'Cute! I-I mean' I heard. Well, thanks again? I feel my face heat up.

"Oh! Finally I think we found the last room" I said after however long we were exploring with some breaks at some spots. I open the door and we were greeted with a cave-like room. The only light were some glowing things around the area. It was bright and as big as my palm. What are these?

"They're small and adorable" Blaze said nuzzling one in her hands. "They are beautiful" Rouge said admiring another. These things came in, blue, red, purple, white, green, and yellow. The one in my hands started to yip. I assume it wants something so I reached into my clean pocket and take out a small piece of cheese. "You hungry?" I asked.

I hold out the cheese to it. When the creature sniffed and takes it I felt good. It starts to fall asleep in my palm so I put it down on a nearby small leaf pile. When I slowly backed away it starts crying. I went back to it and when I got to it the creature calmed down. I picked it up and looked at the others. They each seemed to have a creature too. The creatures lost their glow and revealed small animals in their place.

I assume they're animals. The new creatures were small, the one I tucked in was black with red stripes on top. They have a oval body, small paws on front, small round feet, and a round head. They also have a thing in the back that looks like they reassemble us. The one with me looks to have my back quills.

Later (2 hours), we went back to the main room where Silver told us about these creatures. Apparently they are what's called Aphires. They are an incredibly rare species only known here in the Safe Space. Also it seems like I have a pet now. Due to their rarity we have to keep them secret, only us are allowed to know about them.

Since this one is mine I'm naming it Darkquill. Since it's fur and my fur have the same color scheme. Sonic's is Blur, Rouge's is Gem, and Blaze's is Lighter. These creatures are super cute and we take them to our rooms. Sonic bounces Blur while I just fed mine. They eat crumbs of anything sweet. They don't eat anything else so I hope I can keep this up.

Sonics POV:
First, necklace. Second, friend. Third, prophecy. Now, cute Aphires! Blur seems really playful. While Darkquill seems to be a little grumpy except when Shadow is around. Super cute pout by the way.

How I know that is that Shadow left to use the bathroom earlier. In that time Darkquill just crosses his front two paws and sat on Shadows bed. Each time he made a pout it was like he was trying to be grumpy but failing. I couldn't help but giggle when he did that. Blur was just laughing like crazy and tried to provoke Darkquill to do it again. All that was responded was a play fight. It stopped as soon as it started which was good, but I wanted them to continue.

Is that bad?

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