Heir to the Pack

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Marcus left the Martin residence and walked to the apartment he was temporarily staying at. He felt his phone buzz and he pulled it out and answered quickly.

"Hey sweets. Everything okay?" He asked. He heard his sister groan.

"Where are you? I'm home alone." She said. Marcus sighed.

"I'm going to visit my dad, Melony. Just some things need to be cleared up." He said.

"Why can't he come over here and talk?" She asked. Marcus doesn't want his sister to be involved with this at all.

"Not today, Melony. Maybe later on. I will be over later to spend time with you. I promise okay?" He said and you heard the girl groan loudly.

"Fine. I suppose I will be okay with that." She said in a joking tone. Marcus smiled and disconnected the call. He looked up at the apartment complex. He made it in front of the apartment door and knocked. Jen rushed to answer the door.

"Oh good you're here! We have company so make yourself welcomed!" She said, pulling Marcus into the apartment. Marcus was taken back by the jerk and fell forward.

"And this is the heir of the Hellfire pack? Oh man." A voice said. Marcus looked up to see the player from the volleyball game.

"Andrew, behave yourself." A gentleman scolded. Marcus got off the ground and looked at the both of them sitting across from Matthew.

"Son, this is Scott from a neighboring pack and his son, Andrew. They came here to help out with any questions that you may have." Matthew stated. Scott stood up and shook Marcus's hand.

"Its a pleasure to meet the new heir of the Hellfire pack." Scott stated. Marcus shook his hand and say next to his father. Andrew stared at Marcus, almost in a glare

"He hasn't fully shifted yet. His wolf is probably not there anymore." Andrew stated. Marcus gave a confused look and turned to his father.

"What does he mean?" Marcus asked.

"We have wolf spirits in our body, passed down from the Goddess Eris herself. Her children were of half-wolf half-human. Their spirits live in us. And the one of the Hellfire pack is Andronicus." Matthew explained.

"If a person has gone without knowing their spirit or hasn't fully shifted, that spirit can die. Never returning again." Scott further explained.

"And since you didn't find out you were a werewolf till you're....14? 15? Heck who knows, but that is still too long. Have you tried to shift?" Andrew asked. Marcus shrugged.

"The only changes I've noticed is my eyes change colors. My vision and senses are stronger. And I grew fur because I got so mad at mom before." Marcus explained.

"You may still have a wolf inside of you trying to come out. Andrew said he hit a trigger spot at the volleyball game." Scott added

"Yeah I did! He almost wolfed out on me!" Andrew yelled. Marcus growled.

"I told you not to talk about him like that!" Marcus yelled. Matthew's eyes read confusion.

"'Him?' Are you talking about a mate?" Matthew stated. Marcus froze.

"What is a mate? And I dont know honestly. All of this is so new to me!" Marcus yelled, causing Jen to jump.

"Well what does he look like? He might be cute! And besides Matthew, you feral wolves need to open your minds a little bit. Blood Warriors had the same issue a few years ago. They moved on." Jen pointed out. Marcus smiled slightly. Matthew shook his head.

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