Stronger Than Before

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Marcus ran toward Judas with the large knives and tried to stab him. Judas blocked with the sword he had and chuckled.

"Come on, Holbrook. Is that you have?" He teased. Marcus knocked Judas on his feet and held the knives close to his throat.

"Dont tempt me, Hendrix." Marcus said, putting the knives away and helping Judas up. Judas sighed.

"I'm glad you've gotten better since your breakdown. We were all worried about you." Judas said. It was close to 5 months after that day in the woods. Marcus exhaled.

"No need to worry about perfection in the making, Judas." Marcus teased back and went to the bench to get some water. Judas gave him a disgusted look.

"Perfection my ass. You still have work to do." Marcus raised an eyebrow.

"Who got pinned again? Who isn't noticing open moves? You may be aerial but if something happens, being on the ground will help." Marcus pointed out. Freya came running put on the field, panting.

"Meeting! NOW!" She yelled. Judas and Marcus got serious and ran to the meeting hall. Marcus looked around to see Ash and Levi there too.

"What's so urgent? Has something happened?" Judas asked, slightly frantic. Freya shook her head and smiled.

"I got a missed call from someone we haven't heard from in a long time." She said. She called the person on her monitor.

"Hello?" Marcus heard her voice and grinned.

"Aunt Jen!" Ash yelled. Everyone hear Jen laugh.

"How is it going, young ones?" She asked.

"Not as young as you think. Everyone in here is an adult but Freya." Judas pointed out. Freya punched his shoulder.

"I will be 18 soon!" She yelled.

"Hey Jen. It's been a while." Marcus said. Jen chuckled.

"That it has. Everything alright over there?" She asked. He called and told Jen about his breakdown and she said that it may be a connection thing because Ronan had one as well.

"Everything is getting better. You called Freya earlier. Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Its fine. Ronan wants to join and come home. We can all tell it in his eyes and his determination. I gave him an offer. To fight me to make it home sooner. If he wins, we come home sooner. If I win, we wait till he turns 18." She said. Everyone looked at each other, excited.

"I am inviting you to a fight to show you how much Ronan has grown. I have given him a week in advance, if you would like to come." Jennifer said. Freya screamed with all of her might. Everyone flinched, including Levi.

"Let's go! I want to see how much he has changed!" She yelled. "I'm just glad hes still alive, honestly." She whispered. Marcus chuckled.

"Madam, please calm down. He doesn't know yet, remember?" Levi said. Freya twitched. No one understood why she hated being called Madam.

"We will have to be hidden. He must not know yet." Judas exclaimed. Marcus looked at him.

"You would try to be a secretive and sneaky! We've talked to him since then and he still doesn't know!" Ash stated. Ronan was having visions about everyone without even knowing it and they all spoke to him in one way. Everyone heard Jen laugh.

"You will have to be a secret. He has grown but I dont think he is ready for that change and shock yet." Jennifer added. Freya groaned.

"Really? I hate that! But it will be the closest I can be to him. Things haven't been the same since he's gone." She said. Marcus looked down at the ground. He wanted to see how strong Ronan had gotten. No one knew the powers he harnessed.

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