Wicked Thoughts

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Marcus walked around school the next day, having everyone come up to him asking questions. Word travels fast in a small town about someone. He had to constantly remind people that Freya was his girlfriend and that he didn't know the reason why she almost killed herself. The last person he ever wanted to see was Jacie, leaning against his locker. She stared at him and then looked down at the ground.

"How can I help you today?" Marcus smarted off. Jacie looked up at the boy and sighed.

"Are you okay? I know you and Freya were close and I wanted to make sure you were fine." She said. Marcus rolled his eyes. He was tired of hearing it.

"I'm fine. Dont you have somewhere to be?" He smarted off.

"Marcus, I dont know why you hate me so much." She pointed out. If only she knew.

"I'm just tired of the same damn question. I would like some peace today." He said. Jacie moved from his locker and he opened it, trying to get his books out for the next class.

"Tell Ronan I missed him today and that I hope he is okay, please." She said before leaving. Marcus growled and slammed his locker door, almost having  it fall off its hinges. Andrew stood behind him, shaking his head.

"Marcus, calm down man. You did this yourself. Remember that." Andrew said. Marcus started to walk away and go to the office. Andrew followed and hummed. Marcus went into the office and grabbed the school work for Ronan.

"When are you going to visit her?" Andrew asked, walking beside Marcus.

"Sometime soon. I need to talk to her. There is somethings she needs to know." Marcus said. He and Andrew walked to the boxing area in the werewolf training building. Marcus started slamming his punches into the bag as Andrew held it.

"Was school that bad for you?" Andrew said. Marcus growled.

"Why cant people leave me alone? I didn't need questions and "I'm sorry" today!" Marcus said, starting to kick the bag now. Andrew had a hard time holding the bag still.

"People worry about you. It's normal. Just let them worry." Andrew said. Marcus laughed as he kicked the bag as hard as he can.

"No one is worried about me. They aren't even worried about her! They are all just nosy bastards!" He screamed. Marcus punched the bag one good time and it fell off the chain. Andrew went back and hit the wall. The entire building got quiet and looked over at the scene. Marcus was panting, eyes starting to change colors.

"Calm down, Holbrook. You need to control your wolf." Andrew said, groaning. Marcus now took his father's name. They weren't really on speaking terms, but it was still his name. Marcus walked over to Andrew and helped him up.

"Sorry. I'm having a hard time controlling my anger recently." Marcus said. Andrew rubbed his head.

"I can tell." He said. Marcus heard his phone go off and seen he had a message.

R: yeah everything's fine. But something doesn't seem right about it though.

D: what do you mean?

R: I'll explain later. Meet in Ash's backyard with JJ and we need to all talk.

Marcus stared at the message.he started to walk to the locker room to change. Andrew followed.

"Are you leaving already?" He asked. Marcus nodded.

"Got to meet up with some people." He said, starting to change. Andrew nodded.

"You know you have people to talk to if you ever need someone." Andrew said before walking away. Marcus sighed and started to scroll through his gallery. He stopped on the picture he took years ago. He bit his lip and sighed.

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