Who Are You?

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Marcus banged his head against his locker. He heard someone laughing beside him. Marcus turned to see curly blonde hair.

"That bad of a night huh?" Ash said. Marcus groaned.

"Mom and Henry just kept arguing all night long. And I'm just going through some personal things." Marcus said. Ash smirked and got close to him.

"Wanna talk about it? You have other people to talk to besides Ronan, ya know." Ash said, leaning against Marcus. Marcus rolled his eyes and push Ash off of him.

"Not today." Ash groaned.

"You know you're never going to gain anyone's trust if you just close yourself off to everyone but one person." Ash pointed out. Marcus groaned and started banging his head on his locker again. Ronan and Judas watched as they walked towards the others.

"He good?" Judas asked. Ash shrugged his shoulders. Judas and Ash started to walk away. Ronan smiled and placed a hand on Marcus's shoulder.

"You left kinda in a hurry last night. Everything okay?" He asked. Marcus sighed and shook his head.

"I'll make it. Just going through something personal." Marcus said, throwing his back pack on his side. They walked to practice. Ronan and Marcus were getting dressed for practice, until Ronan glanced over at the other boy's back.

"You know you can take him on. I dont see why you dont just beat the snot out of him." Ronan said, frustrated.

"It'll just make things worse. I dont want to stand up to him and then him hurt my sister." Marcus said, slipping his shirt on. They ran out of the locker room, getting ready to run laps. Ash stretched over and playfully smacked Ronan behind his head. Marcus growled loudly. The three boys turned back to look at him.

"Chill man! I was playin'!" Ash exclaimed. Marcus snapped back to his sense and shook his head. Ronan gave him a weird look.

"You may need to sit out. You had a rough night." Ronan said.

"No I am fine!" He yelled, making Ronan flinch back. They all grew quiet when the whistles blows.

"Alright boys, I need 10 laps around the court! Let's warm up!" The coach yelled.  The team started running. Marcus felt like he was going at a slowed pace but he was at everyone's best speed. He couldn't handle being slow anymore so he started to pick his pace up.

"What the hell?!" He heard Ash yell as he already passed everyone at least twice. He didn't even feel tired. Marcus was already done with his laps while everyone was still working to finish theirs.

"How did you get so fast boy?" The coach asked. Marcus shrugged at the man. Everyone finished and caught up, panting.

"What the hell was that?!" Ash yelled and got in Marcus's face. Marcus sneered and did the same.

"What's it matter to you?!" He yelled back. Judas grabbed Ash and Ronan grabbed Marcus.

"Quit making a scene! You're acting like children!" Judas yelled. Ash jerked away and rolled his eyes, going towards the court. Ronan gave Marcus a stern look.

"Y'alls hormones are out of whack! Fix it!" Ronan stated before running to the court. For some reason, it hurt Marcus to see Ronan upset like that. He ran to the court and practice began.

"Marcus, can you come here real quick?" Grayson asked. Practice was over and the captain was wanting to speak to Marcus. Marcus walked toward him and crossed his arms against his chest.

"You excelled today. More than normal. It's kinda questioning." Grayson hinted. Marcus rolled his eyes.

"I just got tired of holding back." He stated. Grayson nodded.

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