Birthday Suprise

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Marcus dreaded this day. Melony woke him up, singing happy birthday.

"Come on! I will make you you're favorite meal! It's the least I can do!" She said. Marcus shook his head.

"Dont worry about it sweets. If you dont mind, I'm going to hang out with my friends for a couple of days. Will you be okay?" He asked. Melony smiled.

"Go on! You have a long trip ahead of you!" She said, pushing him to his bedroom. Marcus chuckled. He packed some swim clothes and clothes to change into later. He looked in the mirror and frowned.

"I need to get this mop cut. Maybe Jen can do it before she goes. I need to dye it a different color too." He said, pulling at his hair, which is down past his shoulders.

"Melony, what color should I dye my hair next?" He yelled from the other room.

"Blue! Like a cobalt blue!" She yelled. Marcus smile and nodded.

"Then its settled." He said as he heard the door bell rang. He grabbed his bag and opened the door to find Foster and Andrew in shorts and tank tops.

"Come on. I cant wait to really meet these other friends of yours, Marcus." Foster said, grinning.

"You're in for a treat! You didn't get to see his mate in daylight. I'm jelly Marcus." Andrew whined. Marcus groaned and yelled goodbye to his sister, closing the door behind him.

"Dont freak them out. They are chill. The only wild one is Ash. And you will see why." Marcus said, starting to lead the way. Judas suggested that his parents let them use their cabin in another town. The boys walked all the way to Judas's home. Ash was already packing things into the van and Judas was laughing because everything kept falling out.

"The short one is cute too. Damn Marcus, you got cute friends." Foster said, laughing. Marcus rolled his eyes. Ash heard the other voice and smiled.

"Hey! Dray is here!" Ash yelled. Andrew and Foster gave Marcus a weird look.

"We have nicknames for each other. Our little group goes by them a lot of the time." Marcus explained. They nodded.
Marcus made it to the van.

"Calm down, Ash. Geez, you're like a puppy." Judas said.

"A cute one though." Foster said, teasing. Ash looked at the other guys behind Marcus. He pointed at Andrew.

"You were at the volleyball match we won against. Dray, you're friends with the enemy?" Ash said.

"Not an enemy. More like friendly rival. Names Andrew. Marcus has told us some about yall." Andrew said. It was Judas's turn to look.

"I hope it's good things. Dray has a tendency to be a little mean." He said jokingly. Marcus rolled his eyes.

"I'm not that mean. I'm just truthful. There's a difference." Marcus said. It was Foster's turn to roll his eyes.

"Hes not lying though Marcus. You can be mean. Like right now. Am I not that important?" He said. Marcus pointed his thumb at the guy.

"This is Foster. Foster, Andrew this is Ash and JJ." He looked around.

"Ronan will be here soon. Hes trying to convince his parents not to let Rey come and it be a guys day." Ash explained.

"Ray? Ain't that a guy's name?" Foster asked.

"You better not ever have her hear you say that. Freya is no joking matter." JJ said.

"Rey is Ronan's twin sister. She goes by Rey sometimes because of her middle name." Marcus explained.

"Is that why you are called Dray?" Andrew asked. Marcus grunted as a response. They heard footsteps running toward them. Foster went forward, as someone bumped into him. He turned around quickly to see a boy with black hair and freckles.

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