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Everyone sat in Marcus's room and heard the voicemail. Ash growled and Judas was leaning against the wall.

"How did he get your number?" Freya asked, sitting on the desk chair and staring at the phone.

"No clue. Do you think we may have a mole in the Resistance?" Marcus asked. Freya shook her head.

" We run background checks on everyone who joins." She said. Marcus looked at the phone.

"What if were being watched?" Ash asked.

"Who would have time to watch us and be able to know our strategy? No one really trains with us and we keep our meetings to ourselves. Do you think it maybe another supernatural?" Judas asked. Marcus looked at Judas.

"Its the only thing that makes sense. Or maybe he watched the base cameras?" He said. Freya looked at Marcus.

"What do you mean cameras?" She asked

"I noticed every so often. He would record the torture sessions we had and it would always be in a corner view. Maybe he had them all over the base. But we burned the base down. Something doesn't make sense at all." Marcus said, getting off the bed. Everyone looked at him and Ash sighed.

"We cant let this change anything." He said. Marcus walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Freya asked.

"I got to take care of something." Marcus said leaving the room. Everyone looked at each other worry in their eyes.

"You notice his attitude and appearance changed?" Freya said. Ash and Judas nodded.

"Maybe it's not something that will bite us back." She said.

Marcus walked outside and sat on a bench, staring into the sky. He pulled his phone out and called the only person he could think of.

"Marcus, why are you calling so late? Do you have any idea what time it is?!" Jen yelled.

"Who do you know can turn invisible?" He asked. Jen groaned.

"What did you do this time?" She asked.

"Jen, I'm serious. Vince knows I'm alive." He said. He heard her shuffle in her bed.


"He got my number and left a voicemail. We will be in town soon and I will let you listen to it. But we think it may have been another supernatural that informed him." He said.

"That's impossible. No one should have your number unless you gave it to them. And to my knowledge, no one can turn invisible." She said. Marcus groaned slightly.

"I can't think of anyone who would give out that information. And I haven't talked to really anyone. I've been keeping myself away from the public." He said.

"Marcus, maybe he just knew. You know how he works. He thought Ronan was dead until recently." She said.

"I want Vince to find me now. I want to murder him. I want him to challenge me." Marcus said, smirking. Jen heard the difference in his tone and attitude.

"Marcus, you cant be serious."

"I am as serious as I can be Jen. I'm tired of running and tired of hiding. If it's a fight he wants, he will get one. And I hope who is watching me, tell him that." He said, hanging up on her and chuckling.

"I'm ready." He got up, smirking and walked to his room again. He seen that everyone went back to their rooms. He decided to change into some workout gear and go to the gym that the hotel provided. Ash watched him the gym, doing weight training. Judas came around and saw what was happening.

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