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Marcus charged at the man, jaws open. The two armies collided and all you hear is snarls and growls between them both. They fought for hours.

Marcus and the man, who had changed into a wolf as well, went at it. Marcus shifted back to human and started throwing punches at him. The wolf whimpered and he changed back. He punched Marcus as hard as he could in the face, causing Marcus to be flung back. Marcus hurry up off the ground and charged, fangs and claws growing out. The man braced himself and charged back. The packs were fighting, in and out of wolf form. The man pinned Marcus down and started to beat him. Marcus head butt the man and knocked him off of him. The man chuckled.

"You have more of a fight then I thought. Vince was right to want you." The man said. Marcus stared and panted. He wiped his bloodied lip and stood up.  He examined the battle field and saw so many hurt wolves. He looked at the man.

"Stop this war. If Vince wants me, I will go." Marcus said. The man chuckled.

"You just became Alpha and you're willing to leave? Abandon them?!" He yelled. Marcus shook his head.

"I vowed to protect them. Call off your men." Marcus said. The man chuckled and snapped his fingers. His army stopped and ran back to him. Matthew, beaten and bloodied looked at his son. He ran over there to see Marcus clenching his fist.

"Take care of the pack dad. I will return one day." Marcus said. Matthew looked at him confused and shifted back.

"What do you mean son?!" He asked. Marcus shook his head. The man laughed and smirked.

"A trade. A worthy one. Come on, wolf." He said. Marcus walked forward. Andrew and Foster ran toward Marcus, almost beaten to death. Marcus looked at them.

"Stop dad from following and have him take what's left of the pack to the other home. I will return." He said. Andrew looked at Marcus, tears almost in his eyes.

"No Marcus dont do this!" He yelled. Marcus looked at them with a serious look.

"That's an order, beta and delta. Do not go back on your Alpha." Marcus stated and walked toward the man. Matthew went to run to his son, but Foster grabbed him and held him back. Marcus heard Matthew screaming and yelling for him but he had to ignore it. The man looked at Marcus and punched him in the face, making Marcus fall to the ground.

"Come on. I got other things I have to do." He said. One of the man's goons cuffed Marcus tightly with chains and a muzzle. The goon pulled on them, dragging Marcus into the back of a truck and was thrown into it. The man smirked.

"Take him to the base. I will go get the boy with half of the army." The man said, walking away. Marcus closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.

"Man, you must really want to die to just give up on your pack like that." One of them stated. Marcus tried his best to ignore them.

"Vince is going to love torturing you. He's been wanting to do this for a long time." Another stated, laughing.

They took him to a base far away from the pack. He looked around to see where they were. He saw a large base with barbed wire fences and tall electric fences. Marcus felt a jerk of the car.

"Did Jackson get the boy?" The guard asked. The driver shook his head.

"Not yet. He got us an Alpha pretty easily though." He said. The guard whistles.

"Alright. Go ahead and get him transferred in." The guard stated as the truck jerked forward. Marcus sat still and closed his eyes. He felt the truck stop again and the door open. He turned to look at one of the drivers, who was yanking on his chain.

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