Mistakes Made

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Marcus was standing in the kitchen as everyone else was drinking in the other room.

"You can come in here Dray!" Ash yelled. Marcus groaned.

"No thanks. You can have your fun." He said. Ash whined.

"Come on! You dont have to drink! You can just sit here and monitor!" He said. Foster laughs.

"Come on Marcus. We dont bite....hard." He said. Marcus sighed and walked to the front room. Everyone was taking shots and drinking heavy. Andrew and Foster wasn't drunk at all but the other three was smashed. They couldn't speak properly and was heavily intoxicated. Andrew and Foster stretched.

"We may need to put them in their room. They were messing around with you earlier but I think they maybe actually drunk." Foster said. Marcus watched as Foster helped Ash up and Andrew helped Judas. Marcus looked at Ronan, who was very very intoxicated. Marcus sighed.

"Come on, Ro. Let's get you to bed." Marcus said, trying to help the boy. Ronan giggled.

"I'm not tired though. Bed is for weirdos." He said, slurred to the a point where you couldn't understand him. Marcus slightly dragged Ronan into the bedroom and closed the door.

"We need to get you into your night clothes. You think you can be able to do that by youself?" Marcus asked. Ronan fell back on the bed.

"Why is the world spinning?" He asked.

"I take that as a No then." Marcus said. He honestly thought about leaving Ronan in his clothes. He didn't want him to get upset if he remembers. Ronan rises from the bed and stumbles towards Marcus. He leaned his body against the sober boy's.

"Your body is soft. I wanna feel your skin." Ronan said. Marcus blushed and pushed Ronan away slightly.

"Stop it Ronan. You need to lay down." Marcus said. Ronan frowned.

"But I don't want to. Just let me feel your skin." He said, pushing his body against the others. Marcus couldn't stop the boy. He didn't want Ronan to get upset with him.

"Alistair, please get to bed." Marcus said softly. Ronan looked at Marcus closely, leaned forward, and kissed him.

Marcus's eyes widen and was in complete shock. He wanted to push Ronan away due to his state but he didn't.  Marcus closed his eyes and pulled Ronan closer, closing any space in between them. Marcus felt complete.  Sparks of electricity was running through his entire body and he didn't want the feeling to stop. Ronan opened his mouth slightly and allowed Marcus's tongue to search his mouth. Moaning slightly, Ronan slid his hands up Marcus's shirt and pulling it off. Marcus grabbed Ronan's shirt and tossed it, making out with him roughly. Ronan moaned loud as Marcus started to kiss down his jaw line and neck, biting each part slightly. Ronan went to undo the other's pants, still moaning in Marcus's ear as he bit down harder and sucked on his neck. Marcus felt his body beginning to change and licks up Ronan's neck.

"Marcuuuus!" Ronan said as he grinded on the other's body. Marcus pushed Ronan back, remembering where he was and what was happening. Marcus panted and looked at the lust filled eyes of Ronan.

"I'm sorry. I can't do this. Not with you in this state. Trust me, I want to so badly Alistair, but I can't take advantage of you like this." Marcus said placing his hand on his face. Ronan whimpered.

"But I want it Marcus. I want you!" He said. Marcus shook his head.

"No you dont. You're drunk. It can't be like this. I got to get out of here. You're smell is making me drunk." Marcus said, leaving the room. He splashed cold water on his face. He locked himself in the bathroom and looked at his reflection in the mirror. His eyes going back and forth from gold to hazel. A knock on the door disturbed his thoughts.

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