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Marcus was awaken screaming in his room. He jumped up, fangs and claws showing to see everyone in his room.

"When did we decide to have a goddamn surprise party in my room!?" He yelled before retracting. Ash laughed.

"You will be fine!" Ash said. Marcus took in a deep breath.

"And we wanted to say, we think your idea of moving is good. Once Ronan gets here, we will move out. Where is the new location going to be at?" Freya asked.

"Its in Alaska. I know it's far away but the Goddess said that her children has made the place for us." He said. They smiled.

"It will be fine. I guess that means we will have to hold off on our fight until we get there then Marcus." Freya said. Ash and Judas nodded.

"You should start getting ready for leadership today. You're gonna be in charge while we get some things planned for." Ash said. Marcus glared st them.

"What are yall up to?" He asked. Judas smirked and looked at Ash. Ash grinned and looked at Judas.

"We dont have anything planned. We just want you to be shown in charge for once, commander." Ash said. Marcus rolled his eyes.

"I know you have something planned, the both of you." He said, getting out of bed and stretching.

"Just watch over the base today. That's all we ask." Freya said. Marcus nodded.

"How long will yall be gone?" He asked. They shrugged their shoulders.

"No clue. We may come back at a later time tonight." Judas commented. Marcus groaned.

"I guess I have no choice and observe everyone then." Marcus said. He got everyone out of his room and went to call someone.

"Hey, Marcus! How's it?" Felix said.

"Virgil and Gabriel came home. I guess they took a different way than Ronan to get home." He said.

"Yeah. Ronan rode in with some friends. People he trained with down here." Felix said. Marcus hummed.

"How are you and your mate holding up?" Marcus asked. Felix chuckled.

"We will go through the full mating ceremony once he moves. He has agreed to be with me for the rest of our lives." Felix said. Marcus smiled.

"That's great. I wish you all a long life." Marcus said, starting to wrap his arms in medical tape.

"Hey Marcus, when you see Ronan again, don't hold back." Marcus stopped and gave a questionable look to the phone.

"I wont. I got to get going Felix. Got to train." Marcus said and hung up. He left his room to go to the meeting hall and get things ready.

"I need land warriors to come down to battlefield 12." Marcus yelled over the intercom.

"Why do you fight?" Marcus looked at Foster weird.

"I fight for my pack. I fight to keep everyone safe. You know that." Foster chuckled.

"But why are you fighting Vince?" He said. Marcus gave him a weird look.

"For my mate. You know this as well. Vince is out there to kill him and I can't let that happen." Marcus said.

He made his way down to the battlefield, standing and waiting for the warriors to come. He saw at least 150 warriors come in the battlefield.

"Good morning everyone. I know you're not used to me being on the field with you. Let's start training." He said walking away.

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