Lose Control

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Marcus watched Ash draw his bow and arrow at his target.

"If you make this shot, you will become our head archer. No pressure." Marcus teased. Ash chuckled.

"None at all." Ash released the arrow, having it go through the dummies Vince head. Ash started to dance around. It's been a month since Marcus came back from Salem the last time. He promised himself once Ronan gets here that there would be no secrets. No more hiding.

"I made the shot! I'm officially head archer!" He screamed. Ash finally stopped going through withdrawal stages and was back to his normal self. Marcus smirked and chuckled.

"Well done. What did I tell you?" Marcus said. Ash grinned.

"I cant wait to show Ronan when he gets here! When do you think we can be able to see him again?" Ash asked. Marcus tensed up.

"When they feel like he is ready. He is training with Felix and that one boy. It maybe a while." Marcus said. Ash groaned.

"But it's been too long! I'm just now getting back to myself again." Ash pouted. Marcus chuckled and grabbed the arrow.

"It will happen in due time. Why dont you go hang out with Andrew or Foster? I'll meet up with you later." Marcus said. Ash nodded and left the training room floor. Marcus sighed and started to clean the area up.

"You treat him like a kid still. Hes 18 Marcus." He heard Scott say. Marcus looked at him and shook his head.

"Hes been through a lot. Hes grown up quite a bit. If you only knew half the stuff he went through when I was gone. You would understand why I keep him close." Marcus explained. Scott sighed.

"This place isnt as bad as I thought it would be. Have you contacted your father to see if he would like to join?" Scott asked. Marcus shook his head.

"He thinks I'm dead. It's best for that." Marcus said.

"He did everything he did to make sure you were safe." Scott said. Marcus growled.

"Dont go there with me, Scott. You know damn well what he was trying to do." Marcus scolded.

"Your father is built on strong morals and wanted to keep the family line going. He would've preferred you to be with the girl instead. But the Goddess doesn't make mistakes." He said. Marcus looked down at the ground and sighed.

"Can I ask you something?" Scott tilted his head.

"How did dad and Martha meet? There were days where I honestly felt like I didnt belong to her. Like I was some kind of trophy." He said, walking towards a bench to sit down.

"Marcus, your dad was blinded. Your mother wasnt his true mate but he had to settle. His mate died at an early age and he didnt want you to go through the same thing. Trust me, I'm his best friend before alliance." Scott said. Marcus sighed.

"I bet that was a big mistake for him." Marcus joked.

"Actually, he got you out of it. You are his greatest blessing. If only he knew about you sooner." Scott said, leaving the arena. Marcus was left in the arena by himself. He looked at the field where Ash was shooting arrows and chuckled. He got up from the bench and headed towards the large room. He barged in the room, scaring Freya and Judas.

"Goodness, do you even just knock!?" She yelled. Marcus chuckled.

"I'm gonna take a walk. Got to clear my mind." He said and turned around quickly. Freya and Judas looked at each other.

"He okay? Hes been distancing himself again." Freya asked.

"That's just how he is. Hes always been distant. Somethings never change." Judas said. Freya gave him a worried look.

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