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Marcus and Ash stood on the sidelines as Freya and Judas fought. Ash had already started to heal up nicely and Marcus was close to fully healed.

"Marcus, we need to talk about what happened. What you saw in your dream." Ash said as they observed the fight. Marcus had his arms crossed against his chest, still watching the fight. Ash turned to look at him.

"At this rate, you will close yourself off again from me and I dont want that." Ash said. Marcus looked at Ash and grinned.

"I will tell you if you bet me on something." Ash grinned.

"I love bets. Let's bet on who wins this match. I think Freya will win." Ash said. Marcus groaned.

"You took my answer,  asshole. I guess that means I have to go with Judas then." He teased. Ash chuckled.

"Everyone was impressed with our fight. It got the other warriors a fire under their ass. They want to try and best us now." Ash said, hearing the throws of punches and kicks. He turned back at the fight and smirked.

"Judas isnt fighting all that bad. Could use some work. For aerial attacks, hes doing well." Marcus pointed out.

"Being the only human, Freya has bested each one of us creatures and supernaturals. It's like she knows when their going to attack and how." Ash added. Marcus nodded.

"She made this place from the ground up. She worked her ass off go help up get the warriors we need to finish this." Marcus said. Ash looked at Marcus and smiled.

"Aunt Jen and Malcom's is coming today. They should be here within a few hours." He said. Marcus sighed.

"Hey, Marcus. Let's go out tonight. Just us two." Ash said. Marcus looked st the smaller male and smirked.

"Are you asking me out on a date, Ash Hopewell?" He teased. Ash cackled.

"No offense but I dont find you attractive. Too much like a brother to me. Besides, I dont think my best friend would approve of me getting with his man." Ash winked. Marcus rolled his eyes and focused on the fight. Freya was holding her shoulder panting heavy.

"Shes determined to fight you, Marcus. She wants to prove a point to these fighters. Even though she is human, she is not to be messed with." Ash said.

"She is going to get herself killed in the process. Judas isnt holding up too well either. It could be a close match." Marcus added.

"JJ has proven a lot over the years. He has matured so much since we met him. He is quite an interesting character." Ash said, grinning. The alarm blew and Freya was left standing from the fight. She fell to her knees, panting heavy. Ash grinned.

"Looks like I won the bet Marcus. Get ready for your date then big boy." Ash said, chuckling and walking towards Judas. Marcus laughed as he shook his head, going towards Freya. He carried her to the infirmary bridal style.

"You fought well sweets. But you need more rest than us." Marcus said. Freya groaned.

"No. I will fight you tomorrow." She said. Marcus shook his head.

"I wont allow it. I'm not gonna fight someone who isn't at their full potential." He scold. Freya started to pout.

"Fine. Give me a few weeks. And I will show everyone that I am the best there is." She said, pridefully. Marcus chuckled.

"We will see." He dropped her off at the infirmary room and walked towards his room. Before he could do so, Ash grabbed his arm and started to drag him out.

"Ash! Hey!" Ash turned around and smiled.

"Let's go now! No time to spare!" Ash said, dragging Marcus out. They made it to the supernaturals bar. Marcus groaned at Ash.

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