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Marcus looked at Jen in shock.

"What do you mean 'vampire'? What happened?! He was fine a few hours ago." Marcus yelled. He heard footsteps come in and saw a tall man in dapper clothing.

"Someone attacked him. A rogue vampire. He was almost dead when I got there. I had to do something. So I changed him." The man explained. Marcus stared at the man.

"Who are you?" He asked. The gentleman bowed and chuckled.

"Theo Eizenhower. At your service." Theo said before looking at Jen.

"You said werewolf right? Is he Matthew's boy?" Jen nodded.

"Yup and so far, hes been the best help to me." She said. Ash shook Marcus, causing the other to jump.

"Dont tell Ronan. He will think it's his fault." He stated. Marcus petted Ash's back and sighed.

"I wont. Not my place to say anything." Marcus stated. Ash nodded.

"Why do you know this place? Why didn't you go home?" Ash asked.

"Well for starters, he sorta lives here off and on. And he is my information bringer from my nephew." Jen stated. Ash looked at Jen, gave her a confused look, and then it hit him.

"Aunt Jen?! What the hell?!" He screamed. Marcus watched Ash go to hug her.

"Finally! A familiar face." She said chuckling. Marcus smiled at the interaction.

"I hate to interrupt, Jen but the boy training starts soon. He is gonna need rest." Theo said.

"I can walk home with him. Just to make sure he is fine." Marcus offered. The adults nodded and the boys left the apartment. Marcus stared at Ash.

"So, no one in the group is human anymore." He said, trying not to hurt Ash's feelings. Ash sighed.

"I didn't think it  would happen to me." He said. They made it to Ash's house and Ash cursed st himself.

"Shit! My car!" He said. Marcus shrugged.

"Just worry about it tomorrow." Marcus said as he walked towards his house.

"Ash you going to be at school tomorrow?" Ash asked. Marcus shook his head.

"I got somethings to work on." He said, waving and walking home. He walked in his home and checked on his sister.

"Melony?" He heard the oxygen machine and heart monitor beeping continuously.

"Hey bubba. You feeling okay?" She asked. Marcus petted her head and kissed it.

"I've been well sweets. I'm gonna go visit a friend tomorrow at the hospital. I just wanted to let you know okay?" He said. Melony nodded.

"That's fine. You've been quite busy lately." She said. Marcus sighed

"Its a lot of stuff going on, but I will make some time with you okay?" He said. Melony nodded and drifted off to sleep. Marcus left her room and sat on the couch. His body wasnt tired enough to be able to fall asleep yet. He decided to pull out his phone and scroll through his gallery.

"You're making yourself suffer, Marcus." He heard someone say. He looked up to see Foster standing at the entry way of the house. Marcus rolled his eyes. Foster walked over to sit next to Marcus and chuckled.

"You're dad is an asshole. I can see why he is Alpha. He basically forced me to say something. Otherwise, I would have never said anything. I know you wont trust me again, and that's okay. I just wanted you to know the truth." Foster explained. Marcus looked at the other and sighed.

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