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Alphonso was walking around the base and observing each creature in the transparent cells. He saw Angels, Vampires, Werewolves. You name it, Vince has it. He stared at one of the empty cells and sighed.

"You felt sorry for him. He didn't deserve what he got! You could've stopped it!" Cherish yelled. Alphonso hung his head low.

"Shut up maggot!" He heard Lucas yell at her and then tased her. Her scream echoed the cell halls. Alphonso had to look away from the torture the creatures received. He walked outside to get some air. He made it to the guard post.

"Any updates?" He asked the guard.

"None yet. You need some fresh air?" The guard asked. Alphonso nodded.

"Just for a little bit." He said. The guard opened the gate door and Alphonso started walking toward the woods, weapon handy. He leaned against a tree and pulled out a pack of smokes.

"Smoking is bad for you." He heard a voice say before he could light the stick. He turned to see Felix standing there smirking. He drew his weapon and pointed ot at Felix.

"You think your weapon will hurt me, human?" Felix said, grinning. He walked towards Alphonso and pinned him against a tree.

"I dont want any trouble! Please!" Alphonso begged.

"You wont be trouble to us. In fact, you will help us. We need in the base and you are just the perfect person to let us." Felix said. Rustling came from the trees and sighs.

"Felix, quit scaring him. Its gonna make him not help us." Marcus said, coming out of the trees. Alphonso paled and shook his head.

"Vince killed you! How did you-?!" Alphonso started.

"I have connections beyond our world. Let's keep it like that. I know you hate what they are doing to us creatures in the base. Help us get everyone out of there." Marcus suggested.

"And if I don't want to be involved?" Alphonso asked. Marcus shrugged.

"Just please help us. We have a plan." Marcus said. Alphonso sighed.

"I will help. I hate what happened to you and what he is doing to the others. Its not right." Marcus nodded.

"How are you gonna do this? Vince has a lot of guards and experiments inside. He wont hesitant to let them loose." Alphonso said.

"I have people in another area that can help out. Let's just say, their tactics are different than ours." Marcus said. Alphonso looked at Marcus and then at Felix.

"He still thinks I'm dead. We can have some of our good people go inside and go under cover as guards. It will be risky but we can do it." Marcus said. Felix looked back and sighed.

"Marcus, do think this is a good plan?" Felix asked. Marcus nodded.

"It will have to be. It's one of the ways we can be able to crash the base." Marcus said. Felix let Alphonso down and walked over to Marcus.

"You wouldn't want to cross two Alphas, right?" He said, crossing his arms across his chest.

"I want to save the ones in there. I will suggest to hire more guards. Select the ones that you want to. Be undercover and we will be able to get them all out. I promise." Alphonso said. Marcus grinned.

"Thank you. It means a lot." Marcus said walking away. Felix sighed.

"Dont betray us. He would be upset if you did. You dont want to see him upset. Its not pretty when he can snap a concrete table in half." Felix said, pointing a thumb at the walking away Marcus. Alphonso gulped and nodded. Felix started to turn and walk away.

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