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Marcus searched every day for a week. Judas and Ash watched him.

"Alistair! Alistair where are you?" Marcus was in a field near a lake.

"Marcus! Stop it! We will search tomorrow. He couldn't have gone too far." Ash stated. Judas shook his head.

"He's gone because of us! Got to find him!" Marcus said, voice going hoarse from screaming.

"Stop. Ash is right. We have to search more tomorrow." Judas stated. Marcus shook his head.

"I'm not gonna stop. I cant stop." Marcus said.

"He wants to be left alone. We all know that. It's been a week already. Just give him time." Ash explained. Marcus scoffed and kept searching. Judas and Ash turned to walk away while Marcus was still screaming out.

"Dray. Stop. I'm not in the state anymore." He heard a familiar voice. Marcus's blood froze. Marcus had stopped screaming and looked straight where the voice was coming from. He saw him. But he was changed. Blonde hair and it was cut short. Marcus stared at Ronan, speechless.

"You can hear me?" Ronan asked. Marcus nodded, overwhelmed.

"Oh god...Alistair!? What's wrong what happened!? Your hair is blonde and you cut it." Marcus screamed, running to Ronan and hugging him tightly. Marcus couldn't believe his eyes. He felt real and Marcus felt all the sparks running through his body. He didn't want them to stop. Ronan hugged him back.

"I'm fine. I had to get away." Marcus held him tighter. He knew the real reason why Ronan left but he wanted to just embrace him for a few moments.

"Do you have any idea how much I missed you?" Marcus said in Ronan's ear. He felt Ronan freeze up.

"Marcus, I had to leave. I cant tell you where I am or how long I will be but listen. Keep everyone safe. I trust you. Protect my family and protect our friends. I have to go now." Ronan stated. Marcus shook his head violently trying to hold back tears.

"Don't please. Just stay a little longer!" He begged. He just got him back and now he is leaving him again. Ronan shook his head.

"I can't.  I'm sorry." Ronan let go of Marcus and walked away. Marcus ran toward Ronan and went to grab him but he disappeared. Like sand through his hands. Marcus fell forward and pounded the ground.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Marcus screamed at the ground. He got off the ground and felt his phone go off. He pulled it out to see Martha calling him.

"Yes?" He answered. He heard her sniffle.

"Marcus baby, you need to come to the house. Melony doesn't have much longer." She said. Marcus's heart broke. He didn't know where he was but he ran to his house. He walked into the house, trying to hold back the tears. He went to her room and saw that she wasn't breathing well and was growing a gray hue. He shook his head, holding tears back.

"Sweets, baby what's wrong?" He asked her, his voice breaking and tears slowly fall. He went next to her bed and held her hand. Marcus looked up at Martha.

"Can I have a minute with her alone?" He asked. Martha nodded and left the room, closing the door. Marcus petted Melony's head. She gave him a faint smile.

"Bubba, you're here. I'm glad." She said, faintly. Marcus chuckled slightly, holding back his tears.

"I wouldn't want to be by any other side." He said. Melony smiled.

"Bubba, you know I love you. No matter what right?" She asked.

"Yeah sweets. I know this." He said.

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