IV. Mine

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liked by @nott, @scamanderrolf, @longbottom and 907, 728 others

blaise this is how they walk now after being asked by multiple girls and boys. I'm sorry everyone but if you guys didn't know, the Slytherin Royalities are dating and they don't plan on going with anyone else to the Yule Ball with.

Tagged: @athena, @malfoydraco

View all 7, 831 comments

@nott: move aside! The prince and princess are passing through!

@longbottom: I have heard that so many times today, smh

@scamanderrolf: it still amazes me how people can still ask them when they are so disgustingly sweet in public

@prankerweasley1: honestly I'm getting tired of saying that Athena has a boyfriend so can Malfoy just ask her now?

@prankerweasley2: and let's add a please to the Freddie so he can do it today.

2 hours ago



Walking down the hallways and trying to avoid the questions about the Yule Ball, I had reached the library.

I walked in and saw the group I was looking for, "You're late." Fred said. I rolled my eyes, "Well I'm sorry, I had to lie to a telepathic girlfriend."

The others had snickered, "So, what's going on Malfoy?" Rolf asked. I sighed, "I need help."

"No sh*t Malfoy." Ron said. I snorted, "Are you guys gonna help me or not?"

"It depends, is it for Athena." Diggory, the newest addition to the never ending list of Athena's friends, said. I just nodded and sighed.

I sat down at one of the chairs, "I just don't know how to ask her..."

They sat down and I looked at them, "Do what you always do..." George said with a smile. I looked at him confused. Theo groaned, "What?" I asked them.

They rolled their eyes at me, I was about to leave when Blaise pulled me down. "Listen Draco, what do you and Athena always do?"

"Snog?" I asked with a smirk, they gagged and I laughed silently not wanting to be kicked out. "No you dipshit, you guys sing. So why don't you sing to her."

"Like sing in front of everyone?" I asked as I gulped. "Yes Malfoy, you did it once..." Potter said, I looked at him with a questioning look.

"Honestly Draco, the time when Black broke in." Theo grumbled. I nodded, "Okay then what?"

"We do a bit of a hunt for her." The twins smirked and we planned how to ask my telepathic girlfriend to the Yule Ball.

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