VII. All Over the Place

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liked by @nott, @longbottom, @hannabbott and 4, 912, 614 others

rolf she'll be quick she said.


5 hours ago



We were catching up when Molly came down, "Remus, you can go up now." She said as she wiped her hands on her apron.

She walked to the kitchen as Remus rushed to go to Tonks. He then stopped on the end of the stairs and looked back.

"Harry, Athena. Will you come with me?" I looked at Harry and he shrugged. We nodded and smiled.

We followed him as he giddily climbed the stairs like a little child. I giggled and Harry shook his head.

We reached the room and I caught a glimpse of someone else in one of the rooms. "Ollivander?" I asked.

Harry looked at me and smiled. "He was with Luna and Griphook. We can talk to him later." I nodded and we entered Tonks' room.


We then saw Tonks on the bed holding a baby. I walked closer and she saw us. She smiled, "Hello."

I smiled at her and motioned if I could walk closer. She nodded and I walked to the edge of the bed.

Feeling Harry walk behind me I peaked and saw a sleeping baby boy. "Awww. He's so cute." I whispered.

I heard Remus chuckle. "He looks more like Tonks." Harry said as he looked closer. Remus then scoffed at him.

"Can I hold him?" I asked and she nodded. Slowly handing me the little baby, "What's his name?" I asked.

"Edward Lupin." Remus said proudly. I looked at them and smiled. "Beautiful name..." Harry said as he looked at the baby.

Looking at him "You wanna hold him?" I asked and he looked at me with a smile and nodded.

Passing baby Lupin to him, we heard a small yawn. Looking at him, he opened his little eyes and we saw the brightest brown eyes.

"Aww, he has Remus' eyes." I mumbled and the parents smiled. He looked at me and Harry and he squealed. I gasped when he changed his sandy brown hair to black like Harry's.

"He's a metamorphagus..." I mumbled as I smiled at Tonks. She had tears in her eyes and nodded.

She looked at Remus and they looked at each other with love. Smiling at them, I felt a small hand pull my hair.

Looking back at the baby, I saw he was gripping my hair. "Now now little Lupin, that's not nice." I said.

He giggled and pulled my hair more. Harry chuckled, "Easy now little Lupin, Athena might look like she's nice, she isn't." he joked and I glared at him.

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