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3 more to go. 28. 29. 30.
Done. Workout done for the day. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and just laid there for a few seconds. I got up just to turn my music down than sat back down on the floor. "Dakota?" I yelled from my bedroom. Silence. Ugh. I quickly got up from the ground and jogged my way over to my bedroom door. I looked out both ways and called her name once more. Nothing. I roll my eyes while walking to the top of the stair case.
I run down the stairs and make my way over to Dakota's room. I peer inside to see her bopping her head up and down to something blasting through her earphones.


I speed over to her and pull one from her ear. "Hey! I was listening to something!" She screeched. "I know. That's why you couldn't hear me calling your name!" I spoke while giggling, tossing back her earbud, and plopping down next to her. She smiled at me and asked what I needed. "I need help. I have no clue what to take on tour..."I mentioned with a slight frown. She tapped my leg with her hand and stood up. "Let's go then! I'll race you to your room!" Before I even had time to process what was happening, she bolted out of her room and up the stairs. I shook my head at her goofiness and started up behind her.

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