Hail to the King - 3

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The barkeep looked between the upturned hourglass and the man at the other side of the counter.

His tattered cloak implied he was a wanderer, perhaps even more penniless than most. A hood shadowed his features. Only his throat was left visible, clenching and loosening as he chugged ale at a feverish pace.

"Damn it." He cursed as the man set down the over sized mug he emptied, moments before the last of the sand grains fell.

"It's been awhile since someone had beaten the challenge." The barkeep noted, not without respect.

"Refill it." The wanderer said from the shadow of his hood, pushing the mug across the counter. The barkeep gave him a doubtful look.


The wanderer nodded. "Again."

The barkeep pulled his shoulders in a shrug, snatched the mug, and turned to fill it.

"Same rules. You beat the time, you drink for free, you fail, you pay double."

He drank that drink for free. And the one after it. And the one after that too.

"By the seven fucking gods!" The barkeep cried as the cloaked man slammed the mug empty on the counter. Again, a gods-damned second before the time in the hourglass ran out. The man burst into laughter.

"I'm glad running me out of business amuses you," The barkeep grumbled, but couldn't help grinning back at him. "You've already had five mugs of my strongest ale, and beat the challenge every single time!"

"Well, you know what they say," The man answered, a smirk flashing across his shadowed features. "Train enough, and anything's possible."

"Another piece of drunken wisdom to add to my collection." The barkeep shook his head at him, yet the grin lingered broad in his lips "Again?" He asked, dangling the empty mug before the man. Despite him having yet to spend a single coin, the barkeep found himself liking this cowled drunk.

"Yeah, just let me catch my breath." The man answered, reached into his cloak, and drew out a crudely rolled cigarette. In his other hand, he got out a small steel box. His thumb struck a spark from the grind of a little wheel, and a little flame sprouted out, lashing over the end of his roll.

"Are you a Magus?" The barkeep raised an eyebrow at the wanderer.

"Nah." He dismissed in a cloud of smoke.

"I know a Flame starter when I see one, the army's Magi got them."

"Even Magi die." Said the wanderer.

The barkeep looked him through with narrowed eyes. He first noticed the man's shoulders spread broad in his cloak, his bare forearms defined with muscle. Perhaps the man was more than a wandering drunk? Before he could think of it further, a ruckus drew his gaze across the tavern.

"Damn thugs in armor..." He muttered, and the wanderer turned to see. Two soldiers clad in armor of red and gold were shoving a poster into the maid's face.

"Have you seen this man?" One barked at her. She shook her head and scrambled away, splashing some ale out one of the mugs she carried. The wanderer watched as they questioned the next man, then another. They were approaching the counter.

"Actually," Silvery smoke escaped the man's lips as he parted them. "I will have some Dragon Water instead."

The barkeep furrowed his eyebrows. "Oh no, there's no Dragon Water challenge, you'll have to pay this time."

"Yeah, yeah, you got it. Just pour me the drink."

The two soldiers had split. One of them walked up to the bar as the other went to flip his poster before another table. The barkeep returned with a brown, somewhat dusty bottle and a short, wide glass. He began pouring its clear, liquid content into the glass when a gauntlet fell heavy upon the counter, spreading a poster across the wood.

"Have you seen this man?" The larger, ruder soldier barked at the barkeep. The barkeep slid the filled glass towards the wanderer and leaned in to take a look.

Bold, black letters were written over a man's portrait.


"Kaido Blackrose." The barkeep read the name aloud. "Apologies sir," He said, his words respectful and their tone mocking. "I haven't seen this vile traitor."

The soldier turned his gaze to the cloaked man, and scowled when he failed to get a look at his face.

"Remove the cowl." He ordered. The wanderer toyed with the glass, making the Dragon Water swirl inside.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" The soldier snarled. The wanderer pulled the cigarette from his lips, and breathed out smoke.

Glowering, the soldier clenched his right hand into a fist and reached to the man's cowl with his left. The man dropped his cigarette into the glass, then jerked it towards the soldier. The Dragon water burst alight, leapt flaming into the air, and splashed the soldier's face.

He screamed, shook his head like a madman, but the flames clung to him, melting skin to bones. "He's here!" His voice cracked in anger and agony, hands clutching onto his face. "Get him!"

The barkeep was more surprised by the man's face than the fight that broke out. Before him sat Kaido Blackrose. He was sketched stern and hard-eyed. In flesh, he was a man who grinned upon the burning of another man's face. His black hair ran longer, and stubble shadowed his jawline. Dark green eyes caught his, his gaze piercing.

"Thanks for the drinks." Kaido bowed his head to the barkeep, and turned to the charging soldier.

"Catch." Blackrose called, tossing the empty glass towards the soldier's head. The soldier's hand lunged up to its arc. He caught it, took pride in his reflexes, and then Kaido kicked into his chest.

Four patrons jumped from their seats when the soldier tumbled onto their table. Wood crashed under his armored body, and he splatted to the floor together with lunch.

With one soldier unable to open his eyes or keep himself from digging fingers in his seared face, and the other struggling to raise from the wrecks, Blackrose winked at the maid, slung up his hood, and dashed out the tavern.

"You're fucking welcome..." The barkeep muttered beneath his breath as he looked at the mess Kaido left in his wake.

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