Champions of Corpses - 84

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When root and vine could be sent from every direction, Raul learnt not to stay stationary. Air boomed as he kicked against the snow, launching the High Magus towards the Archferal. He made a fist with his right hand, fire blooming to engulf it.

The Archferal beckoned with his fingers as he thrust forth his arm. A root lurched out of the snow to meet Raul halfway, its point aimed to his chest. He pushed his free hand down, and a boom of air threw him over the root. Flames burst from his fiery punch, racing towards the Archdruid.

He swiped up with both hands, fingers weaving. Roots surged and coiled before him, blocking the fire. They whipped to fan out the flames, and surged up for Raul. The High Magus blasted the air above him and shot earthward, the roots' smoking points swishing over his head.

His hand flamed for an attack, when he saw the Archdruid beckon upwards. Four roots leapt from the snow he was to land on.

Raul sent forth the fire, then squeezed and unleashed air with both hands. A powerful gust sent him backwards, and swept the flames thin-spread towards the Archdruid. He stayed in place, ignoring the heat that blistered his skin as he swung and pulled with one hand.

The High Magus looked behind him. Too late.

A thick vine smacked against him, quickly twisting around his arm. His feet hit the snow, and he swung his other hand towards the tangle, palm inflamed. Another vine slapped across it, coiling around his forearm and yanking it away before he reached. They stretched him spread-armed. He roared, and fire roared from his hands.

The Archferal's hands and fingers blurred with the speed of his weaving. Raul burnt the vines fast. But not as fast as they came. They overlapped one another as they slithered up his arm, wrapping and knotting until they covered his arms, choking any air that could be sparked for fire. Their grip tightened at every passing moment. Raul screamed when it started cracking his bones.

He breathed in deep, gritting his teeth against the pain. The Archferal approached, his vines growing stronger as he neared. Raul's wrists, elbows, shoulders and popped. He shouted in all his rage and agony. No sound came up. Raw power did, gushing from his open mouth in an explosion of flames.

The Archferal was consumed in a screen of fire. His vines clenched like muscles would at the pain, crushing the sorry remains of his arms. Then the fire cleared, and the Archferal sunk to his knees in a pit of melted snow. He reminded Raul of Vineclaw's Chieftain. With his flesh burnt to crisp, and last flickers of verdant glow in his eyes..

The vines slacked loose, and slipped from his arms. His arms were so twisted they did not look human, skin black with inner bleedings. The sight only spiked the agony, his amusement overwhelmed it and he laughed.

"What kind of fool doesn't know dragons breath fire?"

A deep growled echoed loud through the woods. Raul's eyes snapped up a nearby tree.

A huge panther prowled between its branches, sleek muscles rippling beneath smooth silver fur. Its lips peeled off its fangs, in a snarl. Its glare verdant inferno.

The panther lifted his head and opened its maw, a ferocious roar thundering from its chest. The woods stirred, wild life uncovering itself from blue leafs and snow. Leopards pounced at Raul from the branches, birds of prey diving from the skies, even snow-rabbits went acraze, dashing to his feet.

They clutched, bit, and clawed, tearing the fur of his coat and cutting in his skin. He shouted in wrath, stumbling and turning his head like a madman to catch the animals with a breath of flame. Just as he realized he lost sight of the panther, a huge paw struck his side. The force behind it broke his ribs, and the claws stripped them from flesh.

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