The Blackrose Legacy - 55

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Kaido and Rake sat on the third floor's balcony, holding a glass of wine in one hand, and a cigarette in the other. He wasn't sure how long they spared for, only that the sun was in the center of the sky when they started, and now it peeked behind the grand silhouettes of the Kingmen's manor in the distance, kissing the sealine and painting brushes of red in the skies. His muscles ached to their cores. A good, satisfying ache.

With wine in his mouth, smoke in his lungs, sea breeze across his sweaty skin, and the view spread before him, Kaido sat laid back, savoring every moment.

"Old man?"


"Why'd you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Take me and Siera in."

Rake took a puff, and spoke into a cloud of smoke. "Don't you have some heavier questions to ask?"

"Come on," Kaido frowned, flicking the ash off his cigarette. "It's a good question."

Rake rolled the wine in his glass thoughtfully, then sipped from it, and sighed. "You want the truth?"


"It will disappoint you."

"I don't care."

"You were sweet."

"Eh?" Kaido's eyebrow furrowed. "The man who claims to be the best swordsman in all of Aros melted at the sight of two dirty children?"

"I wanted to give you two a scare, after you tried to rob me. When I put the dagger to her throat, I expected you to run, piss yourself, or even beg. But then you two started arguing for yourselves to be killed, instead of the other." Rake shrugged. "I thought it was sweet."

"You laughed in our faces." Kaido noted, somewhat darkly.

"Yeah, I laughed on the outside, but I was touched within. There I was, almost thirty years old, with no purpose to life but to drink, fuck and fight. And there you were, two kids not even ten, ready to sacrifice your lives for each other." Rake suckled on his cigarette and gazed silently to the desert. When he spoke, his voice was low, and more solemn than Kaido ever heard it before.

"I was born to a hooker and a pirate, and from the lowly streets of Deadmen's Bay, I climbed as high as the First Sword of Veramor."

Kaido heard rumors in the One-Legged Goat that Blackrose used to be the First Sword in the King's service, but never heard Rake mention it before.

"And you know what kid?" Rake put his cigarette off in the tray, and looked Kaido in the eyes. "Giving you two a home, watching for you as you've grown... Nothing I've ever done made me as happy."

There was a long moment of silence.

"Damn," Kaido breathed out smoke, lips twisting in a grin. "Old age is making you all mushy."

"Pft'," Rake grunted, and leaned over to smack the back of Kaido's head. "You cheeky fuck."

Kaido laughed, and drained his wine glass empty.

"It's getting dark, you should go walk Siera back from the shop."

Kaido nodded. "Are you making fish for dinner?"


"Don't spare on the garlic."

Rake huffed. "Do I ever?"

Kaido took the last puff of his cigarette, squashed in the tray, and got up to leave. He stopped before stepping inside.

"You know how orphans often fantasize their father was some kind of hero?"

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