When Fire Rained - 80

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Later, Roxwell slipped out the bed, wore his armor, his rapier, and a plain brown cloak over them. He went downstairs from his chambers and across the hall to James's. James opened the door on the first knock, already in his Ebonplate.

"Go grab a cloak." Roxwell said. "We aren't on official business."

He returned quickly, an old cloak slung over his shoulders. In silence, Roxwell led the way down to the courtyard. On no path they tread to the un-gardened grounds behind the castle. The wild grass turned into dirt as they neared where a part of the mountain side rose into the wall. Behind a tree, there was an iron trapdoor in the earth. Roxwell pulled the key from his pocket, unlocked and swung it open.

James was already stepping forward, lips pulled in an eager smile. Roxwell put a hand to his chest, and stopped him with a hard stare.

"I didn't say it before because I have no doubts regarding your loyalty. But know that what you're about to see isn't to be documented or spoken of in any manner except at absolute privacy with myself."

"Understood, my king." James bowed his head. Roxwell nodded once, and they went down the trapdoor. When he swung it close after them, complete darkness consumed them. They descended the old stone stairs carefully, feeling for their edges under their feet. Torchlight showed over the corner.

They went down two more staircases that were carved into the mountain's dark stone. On the final turn, the man-made cave widened into a smooth cavern. Hot light glowed within, radiating from the core of a huge stone forge. Barely a wisp of smoke though. It all went up the metallic pipe that connected a hole at the cavern.

A shirtless man stood at the great anvil beside it, swinging his hammer with awesome force. The blade rattled against the anvil, molten sparks bursting where it was hit. Through the glow of its heat, they could see the black of Ebonsteel.

The metallic slams rung through the cavern, biting in the ears. Master Unar did not stop his work until Roxwell was right before him. Bone white, sweat soaked hair slid from his gaunt features, revealing glass blue eyes. Many blacksmiths were broad-backed and heavy-armed, but Unar's muscles hulked, making any warrior slim in comparison.

He was nearing sixty years of age, yet blacksmithed day and night, refusing any offer for help. If there was anything he despised more than company, it was sunlight. Unar's skin was pale as a plague. His gaze shifted to James, a piercing question.

"Master Unar, meet Sir James Devias, the new Lord Paladin."

Unar nodded, his voice rusty. "Let's get to business, King Unitor. I have work to do."

Roxwell nodded and Unar set down his hammer, heading to another cave in the cavern.

"How did we come to possess Ebonsteel?" Roxwell asked James as they followed.

"The One True God came to you in your dream, my king. He commanded you to unite the battling realms of Anerock, and promised you the weapons to do it with. You awoke with Knight-Eater, or whatever name they call your rapier nowadays, lain across your chest. In your mind, the knowledge where to mine the rare black ores, and how to smelt them into Ebonsteel."

"Correct." Roxwell nodded. "That is the lie I had spread."

James blinked. "What?"

"I always wanted to battle all the war out of Anerock, and unite it under my rule. Only I didn't have the edge I needed to start it. Then two things happened. I set up the marriage with Avina, what later allowed me to possess her realm's army. And a young man with white hair and yellow eyes met me at some party.

"We spoke of Anerock's constant disputes, and shared like-minded ideas of solution. It was all half fantasies when I said it. Then, when we came to part for the night, he told me to walk with him. He offered me power, but said utilizing requires cruelty. I didn't even hesitate. I already knew cruelty was necessary.

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