Death's Embrace - 59

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Peter saw the Light Temple from afar. It peaked between the mountains' rocky, cliff-like slopes, almost as white as their snowy peaks. It was the command post of the Divine Church of Light, the liar of his adoptive father, the Archlight.

He urged his horse into a remorseless gallop. The white stallion had served him ever since his departure to Ogoni's mansion. Peter knew it should have the stamina to pull through, but he didn't mind if it died. A weak beast had no use for him.

At the end of the twisting, ascending road, the stallion was slick and feverish, but it did not buckle at the legs or foam at the mouth. Peter gave its neck a single pat of appreciation before he climbed off it.

The guards at the gate, bearing white colors and Adonael's sun across their chests, moved, almost fled, from his way. Peter didn't even have to show them his necklace. Striding into the vast courtyard behind the wall, he handed the reins to the first person he came across.

"Have it stabled."

The woman looked at him with a mix of anger and confusion, thinking she was mistaken for a stableboy. Then she recognized him. He was the son of the Archlight and the High Executioner. Here, his wish was a command.

"Yes, your holiness." She bowed her head low, and Peter walked on without a second glance at her. The cobblestones of the road beneath his feet were scrubbed white, as every brick in the Light Temple, and flowers blossomed on well groomed trees, sprinkling the green with ivory and yellow petals.

He stepped through the temple's archway, the golden streaks along its curve glistening the sunlight. The white grabbed acolytes inside lowered their heads and murmured a praise for their holiness as he passed. He ignored them, took the turn down the hall, and reached an oak, heavy barreled door.

Guards stood tall and armored at its either side, stance firm, eyes hard, shield in one hand, and spear in the other. They crossed their spears over the door as he approached, their movements more mechanical than human. Peter parted the collars of his jacket, and let the High Executioner's necklace, bearing Adonael's sun over twin crossed swords as a pendant, dangle on his chest.

At once, they withdrew their spears, and opened the door before him. Torchlight had a dim presence in the darkness within.

His duty demanded that he shall turn around and go the Archlight, make sure he is informed regarding what happened to Ogoni, and receive his next orders. That could wait. For the first time, there was something that captured him more than his duty.

Kaido Blackrose. Peter mused, and stepped through the door. He descended two floors of stone stairs to reach another oak door. Another pair of tall guards stood before it, crossing their spears. Peter left the necklace to hang on his chest, and they withdrew as soon as they noticed it. Iron clicked, wood ground against stone as they pushed the door open.

A hall spread before him, so vast he could not see either of its walls or the ceiling. It contained nothing but bookstands. Hundreds, over hundreds, of bookstands twice as tall as a man, lined up as corridors, weaving a maze-like pattern.

Most people, even members of the Church of Light, did not know how extensive was its intelligence. Almost every town in Aros, excluding Anerock and Deadmen's Bay, had a church, if not few. Kings, like the one in Aurum, the late Senarion in Veramor, and many others that served under the Nasharian Empire, hold high priests close as consultants.

These, and many more, web a network of informants that extends down from the meanest slums up to the royal courts. A network that puts to shame even the Black Syndicate's, but is far less notorious. For unlike shadowy criminals, who would suspect the enlightened men of faith?

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