Courtesan's Love - 49

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James led them into the throne room. Before the stairs to the polished, bronze throne three bodies lied in pools of inky blood. A man and a woman stood beside them.

"Their blood..." Alora sniffed the air and twisted her nose as as they approached. "Why is it black?"

"They were slain by the king and I." James said and tapped the bronze pommel, the black sword at his hip. "Ebonsteel blackens the blood of every man it cuts."

Kaido stepped ahead, and eyed the corpses' blackened veins and bloodied robes. "Warhawks," He tugged the cigarette from his lips, and murmured in a cloud of smoke. "Good riddance."

"Believe it or not, you were not pulled from your bedchambers to provide us with comments." The man spoke, glaring at Kaido with distaste. He was tall, with lavish, groomed hair, and severe features. A sigil of a bronze tree was embedded in his rich green doublet.

Kaido turned his gaze to the man. "If not for my good looks, and not for my witty commentary, why summon me?"

The woman snorted a laugh. Her body was encased in the coal-black, bronze-rimmed plates of the Paladins' armor, and her hair was tied in a high knot, accenting her high cheekbones.

"The Warhawks, masked as ambassadors, tried to assassinate the king." James spoke up, stepping between them. "In an interrogation, one of them revealed to us that the Conqueror's treaty had been broken. Julian, king of Veramor, now commands the Warhawks. Also, last night, we received a letter from Lord Fayne's brother. Evidently written in haste, the letter said Warhawks were gathering around Leniar Rock."

"By the One True God, how have you not dispatched forces yet?" Lord Fayne said hotly. "This assassination attempt proves beyond doubt that the Warhawks bent a knee to Veramor's King. My brother, and the kingdom of Aurum, is in immediate danger."

"We still don't know what is happening in Aurum." The woman said. "Dispatching forces there now will be as wise as entering the Ring blindfolded."

"Would you rather hand Aurum over to Veramor, Dame Ironwood? Why not open the gates of Qorthar before Julian while you're at it?" Fayne said, his voice dripping sarcasm.

"You speak as if Aurum is a part of Anerock, Lord Fayne." James intervened. "Lest you forget, Aurum has an army of its own, as well as close relations with Nashair. Julian might be mad, breaking the Conqueror's treaty, but starting war on the Empire's closest ally is plain suicidal."

"I don't think Julian's sanity is to be regarded as a factor." Alora noted.

"Finally, some sense!" Lord Fayne declared, throwing his hands in the air. "Perhaps the elf should be brought to council the king, and your father. Don't you agree, Dame Ironwood?"

"I doubt the Lord Paladin and the King Unitor require further assistance." Dame Ironwood answered with a mocking smile. "Not with a mind as bright as yours in court."

The lord had his finger raised and his mouth opened when James cut into the conversation. "Arguing here is pointless. I have heard your councils, and I will pass them to the king. Anerock's course of action will be revealed at the feast tonight."

"Why, if the kind Dame, Sir, and Lord will be willing to answer, have I been pulled from the comfort of my bed?" Kaido suckled on his cigarette and glanced between them. James narrowed his eyes at him, knowing it wasn't the comfort of his bed he was pulled from.

"I was told you two just recently came from Veramor." Lord Fayne spoke up. "Has there been a recruit to the army?"

Kaido shrugged. "Julian is always recruiting."

"I don't follow." Fayne furrowed an eyebrow.

"What is there to follow? Ever since Julian rose to power, the army calls out for any willing man."

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