When Fire Rained - 78

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Roxwell leaned back at his armchair, legs up on his desk, and eyes tracing his unsheathed rapier. The sheer black blade should be put to punish the conspirer of Ironwood's death. If he could only find him.

Siera Telamon may have done the deed, but nothing else added up. No matter how much they searched her property, they found nothing, and she alone had nothing to benefit from the murder. Who would benefit from it?

There were never clear candidates to become the next Lord Paladin, and nobody rose to offer himself since his passing. Roxwell couldn't buy that it was work of vengeance. Siera and Ironwood didn't know each other enough to develop a grudge.

Gentle knocks on the door. James'. Roxwell recruited him as an orphan, before he married Avina. James' talent caught Roxwell's attention, and took him close. From his adolescent years, he grew up, from his squire, to guard-captain, to his right hand man. He was the closest thing Roxwell had to a son. Still, he always knocked.

"Come in."

James opened the door, and stepped inside. "I see on your face that your investigation fruited no more than mine."

"It saddens me to hear you fared no better." Roxwell sighed. James sat down before him.

"I hope I can at least be of help on the matter you called me for."

Roxwell furrowed his brow, ran a thumb and an index finger down his mustache. "What matter you think it is?"

"The Paladin Lordship, of course." James grunted. "There's no Paladin obvious for the part, you could surely use my counsel."

Roxwell smiled. "There's no need for counseling. I already made my decision."

"You have?" James raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

"You James."

"Me?" James blinked. "I am not even of noble birth."

"It matters not."

"Not to you. But it will to the noble houses whose money we depend on." Despite his objections, James' smile already began to spread in a smile.

"You will handle them fine." Roxwell dismissed with a wave of a hand.

"My King?" He asked, dark solemnity falling over his face.

"Yes James?"

"Do you really think I am ready?"

"You have proved yourself more than any man needs to in one lifetime, and there is no Paladin I trust more." Roxwell met his gaze. "I don't think you're ready. I know you are."

Now the smile was up and beaming on his face. He bowed his head low, fine auburn hair spilling.

"I won't fail you."

Roxwell put a hand on his shoulder, squeezed with affection. "Go rest a little, digest your new authority. I want you here again after nightfall."

"After nightfall?" James looked up, a spark of curiosity in his bright eyes.

"Yes." Roxwell leaned in his chair, and slid his rapier back in its scabbard. "It's time that you learn the difference between being a Paladin, and being the Lord Paladin."


After Kaido's trail, they were taken to eat, bathe and dressed in proper winter-grab. Alora liked the coat she was given. It hugged her figure tight, and it's brushed white fur was pretty. After a long time missing, she felt light and clean. The air was brisk in her lungs and cold on her lips, but the coats kept her warm.

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