Blood Bath - 30

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"Do you have a plan?" Alora asked Kaido, and hoped she didn't sound as anxious as she felt. They walked down a dark, narrow corridor, an escort of two Syndicate men behind them.

"Avoid all-out combat for as long as we can. Until the late stage of the fight, what we want to do is pick up kills from the sidelines.

"You see a clash between several teams? Leave them at it - they'll kill each other with you entering the fray or not. You see two people fighting one on one? No point interfering – one is guaranteed to die while the other will wear himself out.

"An ideal kill for us is when one group slightly outnumbers the one its fighting. By killing one or two of the larger team, you even the fight, maximizing the death toll and tiring the survivors. Their teammates won't be able to retilate as they're preoccupied." He explained, voice firm and calm. Alora was impressed; she didn't expect such a detailed answer.

"Also," He proceeded. "Some are bound to stand out as the baddest fuckers. Always keep an eye out for their position, avoid a face-to-face fight, but take on an opportunity to quickly take them down by surprise."

"You mean guys like the team we saw back there?"

"Aye, I am rather sure they will prove to be of the sort." He confirmed, and she nodded.

"Got it. Anything else?"

"Oh you know," The corner of his mouth twisted in a smirk. "Try not to die."

The corridor ended at an iron portcullis, light breaching through its bars.

One of their escorts took place by the lever, whilst she and Kaido stood before the gate. The sands of the arena sprawled before them, squared by pale stone walls. Above them, ramps hosted thousands of people. The air steamed with noise and excitement.

A balcony protruded from the slope of one ramp, providing the few it was designed to entertain shade from the sun beating above and an excellent view of the action below. As she inspected it, a silhouette emerged from its shadows, moving to the railing and the sunlight.

The lithe figure, the sharp black jacket, and silken blonde hair left no room for doubt - it was the very same man from the top of the Dark Tower. Alora realized who he was a moment before the heralds announced it.

"Quiet down for the Black Prince's words!" The crowd obeyed, and silence came upon the arena much sooner than Alora expected.

"Welcome, my fellow sinners!" The Black Prince called, his voice loud and clear. She stood close enough to see the smile spreading across his princely features.

"Have you come to taste the blood?" He spread his arms with the grace of a maestro, eliciting a thundering roar of approval from the crowd.

"Perhaps make some coin in the sake of slaughter?" He rubbed his fingers together, questioning with a wide smile. The crowd rose in another wave of bloodthirsty roars.

"Well then! Let us not waste a moment further," His gaze slowly surveyed the tensed crowd, and then his hand shot skywards.


The rattle of iron chains overwhelmed the crowd's uproar as the thug forced down the lever. With a grind of rust against stone, the gate drew upwards. Adrenaline pumped Alora's blood as she saw gladiators charging onto the sands from the arena's inner gates.

"Follow me." Kaido demanded. She noticed his tone always turned commanding in critical situations. Instead of moving towards the center of the arena, as the majority of the warriors did, Kaido led her alongside the wall, edging towards the gate closest to theirs.

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