The Red Reaper - 33

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Vanessa couldn't remember the last time she was this excited. She had spent nearly an hour examining the mirror, and, to her embarrassment, found herself changing her outfit, twice. Accompanying Kaelen and Nair, she had met a king or two before. But never alone. And never him. For days, the memory of him bursting into the hall haunted her thoughts. His terrible power, his enticing features, his fierce eyes and his absolute authority kept infiltrating her mind.

Both of the Warhawk brothers were displeased by his invitation for her, and while Kaelen knew declining wasn't an option, Nair argued that she should not go. She understood that he worried for her; the brothers were as family to her since the death of their parents a decade ago. But his efforts to prevent her from going were oddly misplaced. After all, he was no stranger to hierarchy, and now that Julian assumed command over their order, fulfilling his will wasn't their choice; it was their duty.

She left on horseback before dawn and arrived at Veramora, Veramor's capital, by nightfall. Its palace was a marvelous sight, built of stone that was nearly as golden as the land's endless sands. Senarion, the king to reign before Julian, who was notorious for caring more for luxury than for the lives of his subjects, had it outrageously decorated. Domes of gold roofed over every tower, gleaming radiantly alongside the stars. She crossed dozens of corridors of marble and climbed hundreds of stairs on her way to the top of the highest tower - the king's chamber.

A twirling staircase that seemed to ascend infinitely led her to a doorway. Its crimson veils were parted open.

"Oh, yes!"

Vanessa blinked in surprise as a feminine moan of pleasure echoed from within the room.

"Yes, yes, yesss!" The continuous moans got less and less intelligible, soon becoming calls of pure ecstasy that bordered on screams. Vanessa's cheeks blushed redder than a cherry. Her interest overcame her abashment, and cautiously, she stepped closer, peeking into the room.

On the bed, she saw Julian lie atop of one of the prettiest girls she had ever seen. One of his hands pressed against the bed, raising his torso over hers as his other hand caressed along the bountiful curves of her nude body. He moved against her fluently, his muscles rippling, and his pelvis grinding over hers as he rocked his waist in an intensifying rhythm. Her shapely legs wrapped around him tightly, her slender fingers clawing at his shoulders.

Vanessa's heart throbbed wildly in her chest. The erotic act mesmerized her, and the matter of subtlety slipped from her mind.

"F-fuck..." The girl purred breathlessly, her body squirming with pleasure each time he thrust into her. It was however the sight of Julian that made Vanessa feel lightheaded. His hair was wild with motion, strands bright as gold bouncing over his features. Sweat gleamed on his sun kissed skin, trickling along the carved lines of his muscle. Pants heaved his tattooed chest and gaped his lips in slurps for air. His amber eyes were like golden flames in the dim torchlight... and they stared directly at her.

Vanessa froze, so startled she was unable to look away. Her sense of mixed fright and humiliation grew with every moment. Shit, what now?

She wasn't sure what she expected, but it surely wasn't what happened next. He carried on fucking the girl beneath him, entirely uninterrupted. His gaze lingered at her, and a smile of mild amusement tugged the corner of his mouth. When his eyes detached from hers, he lowered himself onto the girl, kissing her earlobe and squashing her soft, heavy breast in his palm.

"Mhh'..." The girl's voice was reduced into low, strained whimpering as Julian thrust in and out of her even more vigorously. Vanessa could see the tension building as her body stiffened and her fists gripped at the bedsheets desperately.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!" The girl cried out, her body quivering in a fit of spasms. Her lips shaped an O, her lashes fluttered, and eyes rolled back in bliss. Julian slowed down the pace, but penetrated deeper inside, thrusting his waist back and forth in full, flowing motions.

The girl's back arched and her mouth opened in a voiceless gasp as he plunged into her for the last time. His firm buttocks clenched, and his eyes fell shut, satisfaction streaking beautifully across his features.

"You may come in." Both girls were caught by surprise as Julian spoke. He opened his eyes and rose from the bed. Vanessa entered the room hesitantly. The girl peered at her lazily, too exhausted to properly express her irritation and too careless to cover herself.

"Vanessa, was it?" Julian crossed the room and sat down on his tall, marble throne. Whereas most people appeared vulnerable in their nakedness, he was imposing at his.

"Yes, your highness." She knelt before him, as Kaelen had instructed her to do, and lowered her gaze to the floor, purposefully avoiding a glimpse of his bare body. His motives for summoning her were yet unknown, she couldn't afford to lose focus.

"Rise." He said, and she stood upright, bowing her head.

"I trust there are no issues with the transfer?"

"No, your highness. We follow your overseers' instructions. By next week, we will have a thousand Warhawks past the border, as you desired."

He nodded approvingly, and raised a golden goblet from the armrest of his throne to his lips, draining a large sip of wine.

"May I ask a question, your highness?"

"Speak your mind." He studied her, and in determination, she met his gaze.

"I am certain that you receive daily reports from the overseers. I wonder then, why have you summoned me to your chambers?"

"Would you say you're the Warhawk's most powerful agent?"

She blinked, surprised by his blunt questioning, then pouted in thought . "Without the few that could make a counterclaim around, yes. I am."

As per usual, the king seemed unimpressed. "I guessed similarly."

"How so?" She blurted out then cleared her throat. "If I may ask, your highness."

"Your presence at the meeting with the Warhawk brothers seemed peculiar to me. My overseers confirmed that you carry no rank, yet constantly accompany the mercenary commanders. Such means you're either a close friend, or a highly regarded agent of theirs, I had use for either, hence chose to summon you."

"I see, your highness." He doesn't know I am both - I should keep it that way.

"As the top Warhawk agent, how may I be of aid?" She smirked, her natural confidence returning to her. If she had to rely on something, she preferred it to be her combat skills.

"From this day forth you shall serve as my escort." The simplicity of the statement felt like a slap across her face. Such was the ease in which this king could turn her life upside down. She stared at him wide-eyed as he sipped from his wine again.

"Soon I shall see whether you are to be beneficial," His fiery glare fixated upon her, teaching her the fear Kaelen had learnt when he was the one to face it. "Or to be eradicated."

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