Breaking Point - 42

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Farus Everflame led his horse through the royal gardens, the night skies starry above him. Oil lamp posts lit his road to the palace's gate. The barriers were pulled up, an important arrival must be expected, and he thanked Velsair for that.

Of all things, an argument with a guard to open him the gate was the last his midnight runaway required.

He wanted to urge the horse into a trot. Hell, he wanted to gallop out that fucking gate. He was nearly out, leaving no trail behind but a confused stable boy who had a councillor yelling at him for a horse in the dead of the night.

Past the gate, he could be sure he had made it. He informed no one of his leave, but the servants would probably assume he is on an errand away. Only at the next council meeting Julian would notice him gone. There were none scheduled, and even if his luck betrays him and Julian would conduct an emergency meeting tomorrow, he still has until morning before soldiers are sent after him. By then he will be disguised, and out of Veramora - not safe, but not scared shitless either. It was here in the palace where danger laid, and riding through the gate, he was steps away from escaping it.

Two guards stood outside, each occupying a side of the gate, shield in one hand and pike in the other. He walked his horse between them, looking straight ahead, ignoring their presence although it was all he could think about. The metallic falls of the horseshoes on stone echoed in the silence.

One of the guards fidgeted with his pike, and Farus' hands tensed at the reins. He restrained his instinct to whip them down, and drew in a deep, silent breath. None of the guards moved again. Soon, he distanced them behind him. He was out.


A sea-breeze caressed Vanessa's nude body, cooling the sweat on her skin and wafting her moan into the night.

It slipped past her lips before she could shut them. A grievous mistake, considering she was on an ambush. But the road across the garden was empty, so she alerted nobody, except maybe the guards at the gate below.

Julian penetrated her from behind, fingers splayed around her hips, thumbed hooked on the small of her back. His rigid girth pushed through her sodden labia, stretching her supple flesh, sliding into her. Her spine arched, knees shook, and loins contracted, as if trying to suck him deeper inside.

He wasn't the lover she expected him to be. Kings are self-important by default, let alone Julian, who seemed to think of himself as no less than a god amongst mortals. She anticipated him to rush his own satisfaction: cram inside her, and rut like a dog to bust his nut. But it turned out that as a lover, he had the patience and gentleness he lacked as a person.

Her clothes were stripped before she realised it. He pressed behind her, lips nipping wet kisses down her neck, hands snaking across her body, fingers loosening threads and tugging buckles with unfelt subtlety.

One moment she was twisting helpless at the tease of his embrace, and in the next she was stark naked against the barricade.

He fit tight within her, moving in slow, long strokes, submerging just slightly deeper each thrust.

Then he found that one spot that made her knees buckle and her lips clamp around a moan. Once he found it, his thrusts turned short, swift, and precise, battering it relentlessly. The pleasure jolted through her body, stealing the breath from her chest.

"Oh fuck- Right there-"

Her legs caved in, and she fell against the barricade. She gripped its rim and lifted her chin over it to return the road to her sightline. Breasts squashing against cold stone and buttocks slapping against his rocking waist, she felt the arcs of pleasure become a constant flow; a building tension.

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