When Fire Rained - 81

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Kaido's grip tightened on the sides of her waist, lifting her in the air before bouncing her down against his thrusts. Alora leaned his chest, losing control of her own body's rhythm, her gasps and moans filling the tent.

Pleasure pooled and gushed within her, almost blowing over what she could contain.

Then, even louder than her, blew the horns of battle.

Alora got off Kaido, feeling suddenly empty as he slid out of her. She gulped down her lust, and in an instant, was climbing out of the bed.

"Come on," He made a grab at her naked backside, fingers stroking her skin as she slipped out of his reach. "What's a few minutes gonna' change?"

The horns continued to boom, overwhelming the shouting outside. Alora turned to smack Kaido across the thigh.

"Oh, I see." He grinned at her wide. "You want it rough, don't you?"

Alora groaned her frustration at him, found her underwear beneath the tossed blankets, and got up to put them on.

"Yeah sexy. Just like that." He said huskily as she bent. Alora snapped back her glare to find him stroking himself. Verdant fire flared in her eyes.

"Get dressed."

Kaido froze under her gaze. "Yes ma'am."

They both dressed in a hurry then. She in her leathers, and Kaido in his clothes, breastplate, and vambraces. Then they sped down the stairs.

"If I die, you will regret it." He said at the door.

"No I won't." She grinned at him.

"You know you will." Kaido slung his arm around her waist, and she kissed him faster than he could, squashing her lips to his. She pulled back just as sharp, and stared in his eyes.

"You better not fucking die."

"You better not jump at fireballs." He stared back at her, letting the dawn in as he opened the door.

"We'll see." She smiled at him, and ran into the snow, joining the rush of elves at arms.


An army of fourteen hundred men charged at the wall, dragging siege towers on wheels, carrying long ladders across a dozen shoulders, and a heavy battering ram at the arrow of their advance. Raul and his sixteen magi lined along the thirty catapults and their operators. The hundred of the Mageguard stood amongst them, spears strapped beneath the tower shields across their backs, their longbows drawn.

"Catapults, prepare." Raul shouted, the operators made the last check-ups on their catapults. Large barrels were loaded in the buckets of the arms. A heavy ball of iron was held in chains to each top. It was not seen, but Raul knew it was a spike below, dug in the barrel, ready to explode it at impact. Inside, was a brew of his own invention.

"Magi, prepare." The teams of magi split into twos, one spanning a fireball, and the other amassing air into a condensing whirl between the palms.

Cold wind blew from the mountains, brushing the black fur of his coat, and kissing his face with its chill. He looked up the giant wall of trees, stone and ice. It was a hundred feet away from him, but he could still spot the figures gathering on its walkway.

"Catapults, release." The catapults rattled, wood snapped against wood, and barrels flung into the air. The weight of the iron guided the arc of their flight.

"Magi," A grin broke across Raul's face. "Release."

Flames roared as the fireballs were unleashed skywards, and air boomed when whirlwind missiles shot after them. They collected the fire into their swirl, chasing down the barrels. They hit the wall. Some flying over, some smashing against the wall, though at least a dozen crashed on the walkway. Boards flew out in every direction, gallons of thick, dark oil showering elves.

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