Divine Execution - 20

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"Mister Marrow," Saar La'el swung the door open. "What an unexpected pleasantry, so late at night."

"Light's blessing, Saar." Peter said, his vacant eyes meeting Saar's wary ones. "May I come in?"

"Of course." Saar stepped away from the doorstep, and Peter followed him inside. The former High Executioner's residence was spacious, its walls white and undecorated.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Saar led Peter to a wooden table standing at the center of the living room, and offered him a seat in one of the two armchairs.

"I hoped we could chat before my duty as High Executioner begins." Peter sat down and propped his elbows on the armrests. "Perhaps you have a word of advice."

"Of course. I see it as a great honor." Saar said as he walked out of Peter's line of sight, to the side of the kitchen. "I will be with you right away, I was just making tea."

Neither Peter's nor Saar's voices matched their words. Saar spoke crisply and sternly, and Peter's voice was as monotonous and emotionless as always. Peter heard the gentle clatter of porcelain from the kitchen as he surveyed the room.

It was unremarkable in every way. except for the scabbarded sword that he spotted resting against the other armchair. The sword Saar offered him in the ceremony.

Hearing footfalls again, Peter looked over his shoulder. Two steaming cups were in his host's hands. Saar put one on the table before Peter, and sat down in the other armchair with the second.

A while had passed, and none of the two spoke. Saar raised the cup to his mouth and let his breath roll across the tea's surface; curling the vapor. His gaze locked with Peter's as he sipped.

"I wonder what sin they said I committed when they sent you to kill me." Saar said.

"Malfeasance." Peter answered.

"Did you know the High Executioner before me was executed under the same accusation?"

Peter didn't reply, and Saar spoke on.

"And he told me just that when I had come to kill him." Saar paused to sip. "I figure this is how the system works. That's how they make sure they didn't make the wrong choice. The life of a pawn is a small price to pay for that."

Another sip, and a sneer. "You are sharp. You wouldn't have been where you are if you weren't. I am sure you are well aware that although we are more valuable than the others, in the end, we are pawns just like them.

"All pawns, for the glory of Adonael." Saar uttered in mockery. Peter kept his silence.

"I believe they chose wrong to replace me. Then again, I bet the High Executioner before me didn't believe he'll be overpowered either. And neither will you, when you'll be sitting before your own replacement. That's the kind of generosity the Divine Church of Light bestows upon you for a life of service."

Saar inhaled the tea's steam, savoring its scent. "You can't believe any of that, of course. A man at the face of death will say anything to survive. If he's smart, what he says will also be convincing. You have been educated to treat anything the target says as a lie, just like you've been educated to treat anything the target offers you as poison."

He glanced between Peter and the untouched cup of tea before him.

"There is a possibility this is the last cup of tea I will ever have." Saar said, raising his cup. "Will you let me finish it peacefully?"

"No." Peter replied, and a grin twisted the angle of Saar's mouth.

"You've been taught well." Saar said, and flung the cup over the table. Peter's hand darted up. Hot tea sprayed out as porcelain shattered against his forearm, stinging across his neck. He sprung from his seat when he heard the metallic hiss of a blade sliding free.

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