Hail to the King - 5

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Kaido slumped back against the alley's sandy wall and sighed. He ran his hand back through his hair then pulled the cloak's hood over his head.

"Damn that shit Julian and his piss soldiers." He murmured beneath his breath. That tavern's challenge was perfect. A while had passed since he had last gotten drunk, and he was forced to abandon that golden opportunity due to that bastard's soldiers.

His stomach rumbled, and he remembered how hungry he was. He rummaged through his pockets in search of coins, but all he had was a worn cigarette. He struck a match and lit it; attempting, and failing, to suppress his hunger with a long puff of smoke.

"I'm so fucking full!"

A voice called from over the corner.

"Yeah, I have no idea how that petty prison's staff eats such good meals while hard working veterans like us eat crap field meals." Another voice answered.

"Hold on, I gotta' piss."

Kaido finally got a look at the pair as they passed the alley's corner. Surprise, surprise: they wore gold and crimson. Their armor was heavy with plates and stained by dirt and blood.

"Meet you at the brothel?" One asked as the other turned towards the alley.

"Yes, tell Jennie not to get busy until I get there. I wanna party with her tonight."

"You got it." They grinned at each other as their paths split. Kaido suckled on his cigarette and eyed the soldier who entered the alley. He offered him a faint nod of acknowledgment as he fidgeted with the buckle of his belt, then turned to the wall. The sound of a flow's trickling against the bricks soon came, followed by a heavy sigh of relief.

"What the fu-" The soldier started cursing as Kaido grabbed the back of his head, cut short by the bang of his forehead with the brick wall.

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