When Fire Rained - 79

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With evening, Roxwell went to his chambers. A little smile played at his lips. Avina asked him to come early tonight, and promised he won't regret it. He saw that look in her eyes when she said it, and knew he most certainly won't.

He arrived to find the bedroom empty, shrugged, unbuckled his belt, put aside his rapier, and took off his shirt.

"Ahem," Avina cleared her throat sweely, standing in the open doorstep. She leaned with one arm against the doorframe, the white linen of her dress hugging her curves tight. He eyed her up and down, a smile spreading beneath his mustache. She smirked back at him.

"Stop teasing me and get over here." He said.

"Aren't you curious about your surprise?" Avina pouted her full lips. She prettied them red tonight. Something he knew she did only when she had devious plans for him.

"Bursting with curiosity." Roxwell answered, resisting the temptation to step towards her while he still could.

"Good." She smiled, and pulled off her dress. She wore new lingerie. Its white silk fringed with delicate lacing, her breasts lush and firm despite the bra's scarce support, and panties that were all lace with the exception of the silk at the front. Roxwell enjoyed every new set she had her tailoress make, but this one's bright materials seemed to glow against her light skin, not taking an inch of her feminine curves from display.

The sight wasn't one he could remain idle to. He stepped towards her, and she met him halfway, lips colliding into a passionate kiss, her arms slipping over his shoulders, and his around her hips. She clasped at his neck and entangled her tongue with his. He grabbed at the small of her back, pulling her closer.

She retracted from the kiss, and let her eyes flicker down his body. His height might've not been impressive, but the muscles decades of dedication to swordplay forged into his physique were. She stroked through the hairs of his hard chest, and pushed him onto the bed.

Before he could sit up, she was upon him, running her hands and lips down his body. Her mouth lingered on his stomach as her fingers unbuckled his belt. And went lower when she pulled down his pants.

He tensed in an anticipation at the roll of her breath along his erection. She looked up into his eyes, smiled, waved her blonde hair over her shoulder, and bent lower. He shuddered at the touch of her tongue, circling his crown.

Next thing he knew he was engulfed in her mouth. Her lips were soft and slick with spit, slipping and suckling hungrily. Bliss spread through Roxwell. He relaxed back into the bed and ran his hand through Avina's hair. Though just as he got comfortable, she retracted from him.

"Where are you going?" He asked as she stood up.

"I am going to bring your surprise." She smirked, and turned around, giving him a mouthwatering view of her backside as she walked to the door. Without that distraction, he was left alone, confused, and painfully aroused. Before he could think it through, Avina came back.

With a second girl.

She was blonde and almost as beautiful as his wife. She also wore similar, white lingerie, and had the full breasts, sweeping hips, and round buttocks to fill up perfectly. They walked up to the bed, each taking a side by his laps.

"Avina?" He looked to his wife as the other woman caressed down his chest and stomach. She leaned into him, and answered with a kiss. A second pair of lips pressed moist against his neck. Avina slid her leg over his, tightening her thighs as she ground against him, moaning softly into his mouth. Fingers drifted towards his groin with a touch like feathers.

Roxwell ceased the woman by the wrist, and pulled away from Avina.

"A word please?" He stared her down. Avina giggled, but he could hear her nervousness.

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