Breaking Point - 39

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Alora laid limp, dragged between the guards' arms. Her eyes shut, lithe, long ears hanging low, and silver hair spilling over her features. White linen wrapped her chest, leaving the rest of her torso bare.They carried her to the wall in front of Kaido and shackled her wrists and ankles.

Why damn it, why didn't you run? He clenched his fist at the thought. Her own words resounded in his mind. "I'm not leaving here without you."

"I heard this elf girl pulled quite the stunt in my garden." Lord Ogoni spoke of the manner like it was a casual rumor. "She killed seven of my guards and wounded a dozen before they finally nailed an arrow through her."

Kaido tensed his jaw, staring at Ogoni with an impassive mask.

"Not to worry though, I had my personal healer make certain she lives on to pay dearly for the damage she caused." The lord smiled, then waved his hand dismissively, stepping before Kaido. "Back to you now."

"Needless to say, professionals do not leap over walls into dozens of guards to save their accomplice. Lovers do. And so it happens that, right after children, lovers make the best pressure points." As Ogoni spoke, Kaido stared him in the eye.

His will to murder the bastard grew with every word that escaped his mouth. He wanted to murder him so much that it ached in his bones. And yet, the sight of his fleshy, smug face was less infuriating than Alora wounded, unconscious and in chains.

Ogoni gestured towards Alora, and the torturer walked to her, the steel barb in his hand red with Kaido's blood.

"Who sent you here, and why?" The lord asked, and Kaido's mind raced. There was no point feigning detachment to Alora. Ogoni had made his intention to hurt her crystal clear.

"Release the elf and you will have my full cooperation. I will tell you who sent me, where to find him, and how to catch him off guard." Kaido said, and Lord Ogoni laughed.

"I am afraid her release isn't an option. No, not at all. She is going to suffer, I guarantee it. Your options lie at whether I will let the whole garrison have a turn at her after we finish torturing her, or not." Lord Ogoni grinned and paced across the chamber to Alora, eyeing her up and down. "A girl as pretty as she, I think I might take a couple of turns at her myself."

The four guards laughed, and Amis stroked the point of his barb up the soft skin of Alora's stomach.

"You lay a finger on her," Kaido spoke quietly. His voice was raw, head sloped, and black hair draped over his face. "And I will slaughter each and every one of you. I will make certain you learn the price of your mistake on your own flesh."

He raised his head, and his dark green eyes glinted in a savage glare. The guards' laughter stopped. Lord Ogoni looked at him, then turned to Amis.

"Cut his whore up."

With the order, the torturer raised his barb to Alora's collarbone, and pressed its point into her skin. Ever so slowly, he dragged the barb along its length, grazing the bone's hard surface and parting the tender skin over it. Alora's eyes and lips gaped in a high pitched scream.

Kaido fell to madness. He struggled against his bonds like a rabid beast. Even when the wounds across his torso bled, and the shackles scraped his wrists and ankles raw, he refused to cease.

He needed to kill them. He needed to kill them all.

He needed to save her. He needed fucking blood.

He saw the grin across Ogoni's face. He saw Alora writhing in agony. Without thinking it, he bit into his own lip, tearing the flesh beneath his teeth.

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