Looking for a place to get honest feedbacks and improvement tips on your story? Want to know what readers think of your story?
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Cover: The cover is beautiful. I'm gonna start with that. It's beautiful. I love the simplicity of it and the fact that you kind of mix the colour scheme a bit. It's definitely something I would expect from a Teen Fiction book and I love the glasses detail you put on it. In short. I'm in loveeeee.
Title: I'm in love with the title choice. It's quite simple and it has slang to it. So you can already tell from the start it isn't some sort of very serious, very formal, very boring book. I really like the fact that you chose 'ya' instead of 'you'. It really give off a playful vibe. As you can probably tell by now, I'm not really that formal (or not at all. I can NOT handle formalities *shudders*
Description: The description is too vague for my liking. When I read it at first, I expected a whole different story than what it actually became. So, in my opinion, you can tweak the description a bit so that it matches the story more. The 'slogan' thing that you put on your second cover choice "One girl, two boys" is a great way to start the blurb. (other side than the namesake of the title of course). So I was thinking, it could be something like this: "Back at Ya, Bro" I told him ~~~ One girl, two boys (description starts here)
Grammar: Your grammar is GREAT. I found nearly zero mistakes in it. However, I found some sentences that should be cut off since it's too long and you used comma. But others side than that, it's really good! I just gotta ask: Is English your first language? I loved the fact that there isn't much grammar mistakes as it irritates me sometimes. So thank you!
Writing Style: I loved your writing style! It's very detailed and you put proper borderlines (thank the heavens). That way, anytime the scene shifted, I can tell the differences. Your way of telling the story isn't too formal (as I've mentioned before. I despise formalities) and not too informal. You balanced it out nicely and chose proper cut-out of each scene.
Characters The characters have interesting personalities. I love the fact that Aaden kinda has that double personality. I also like that Jessica and Aaden "work-together" I think I can guess why they were working together XD. The character development in the story is evident as well. So overall, I love your characters!
Plot: I love the plot. It's not the cliché golden-boy/outcast-falls-for-the-nerd/new-girl type of story. It focuses more on each character's personality rather than the over clichéness. Harper is definitely not your typical loner since she's not exactly moody or things like that. Aaden is not your typical nerd either. Apparently according to Savannah without his glasses he looks- and I quote "hot". So I really like that it's not cliché.
Overall Experience: I really like your book. It's definitely not a cliché book. Which is good, considering the amount of book with over extensive cliché-ness is astounding. I enjoyed it a lot and had a fun time laughing at Harper's ridiculous decision at times. I also enjoyed getting mad on Clyde XD. So, your book is a really good refreshment after weeks of judging. Thank You!! PS: Sorry for the late review!! Thanks for being patient!! Another PS: I read the whole book btw! It's amazing!