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"who is it?" heejin called out, walking over to her door and opening it before the person on the other side could answer.
"why would you ask who's at the door but not even wait for an answer?" yeonjun asked, walking inside and setting down food on the living room coffee table.
heejin shrugged, shutting the door and locking it before joining yeonjun on the couch.
"what do you want to watch?" he asked, turning on the tv and going to the guide.
"whatever you want." heejin replied bluntly, opening a can of soda and taking a swig.
yeonjun cocked an eyebrow upward, turning his attention towards heejin and she put down the drink.
"alright, what's up?"
"what do you mean?" she questioned, pulling the table closer to have easier access to the food.
"why are you acting differently?"
"what do you mean different?"
"you're wearing my hoodie again. but the hood is up and your hair is wet. you shower when something is wrong. and you're keeping your sentences short."
"and what about it?" she silently laughed, grabbing a piece of food.
her hand movement was stopped when yeonjun pushed his hand out, grabbing her wrist before she could eat the piece of food.
"heejin, you act like i'm crazy or something." he scoffed, using his hands to push himself up and get more comfortable.
"you realize that sometimes you slip up and i end hearing your thoughts, right? i've been able to hear everything you've wanted me to hear for nearly two months now. and plus you left my house after you got a text yesterday. now, please just tell me what's wrong."
heejin tried her best to hold it in but when yeonjun's face suddenly softened and his voice showed true concern with her, she sighed, setting down the food.
"i'll tell you. but please, just let me handle it. you don't have to do anything." yeonjun nodded understandingly.
"my mother is having heart surgery soon. but the money is really just...a lot to handle when you don't really have any other family to help. but i know i'll be able to do it with the help of minsoo, but it's still just a bit much." she explained, her shoulders still tense.
"please stop worrying, jun."
"i'm not worrying."
"i can feel your emotions too, idiot." she smiled slightly, trying to shift the mood.
"which means i can feel yours too. and i know you're upset. so come here." he demanded, his arms opened wide.
heejin looked away, wiping the threatening tears from her eyes and she scooted over to yeonjun, letting her body finally relax in his embrace.
"thanks, jun."
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