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"alright, alright, i think it's time for your nap, isn't it nayeon." heejin smiled towards the girl as she turned down her phone's volume so yeonjun's voice couldn't be heard.
"fine, i'll lay down." nayeon yawned, grabbing her blanket.
heejin sat her phone down on the couch and grabbed the blanket. once nayeon was finally laying down, she flattened the blanket on her back, making sure it covered her body fully.
after making sure she was snug, she grabbed her phone and quietly walked into the hallway.
"alright, asshat." she glared into the phone as yeonjun snickered on the other side.
"what? i don't think i did anything wrong," he said teasingly.
"you're funny. really funny."
"i know, i know. a true comedian genius if i do say so myself."
"whatever. do you need anything before i hang up on you?"
"no, no, i'll let you go watch nayeon. but i get off at six, what about you?"
"great. i'll pick you up and we can go get something to eat."
"you mean love?"
"you're really doing your best to get me to call you that nickname again, aren't you?"
"not gonna stop until you start using it again." he smiled.
"whatever. get back to work. bye."
"bye, what?"
"bye, love."
"thank you! goodbye, angel." he giggled, ending the call with a bright smile.
heejin smiled to herself and walked back into the living room to see nayeon sleeping soundly on the couch.
with her smile still lingering, she sat back down and laid her head back, hoping to get a bit of shut-eye.
but there really was never a dull moment in her life, the sound of a new message ringing on her phone infiltrating her ears almost immediately after she had shut them.