Facade- Chapter 1

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●Upon Researching The
Concept Of Demons,
I Believe That,
Among All Life,
Humans Are The
Closest Thing To It●

~Bakugou's POV~

A mask. A facade. A show. An act. So many words with one meaning. To hide the truth. I do that everyday.

I don't even know why I'm telling you guys this. None of you extras are gonna fucking care!

I look at myself in my bathroom mirror. After a few seconds, a sharp voice interrupts my silence.

"Katsuki! You're gonna be late for school! Get going!" I hear the old hag yell from downstairs.

"Alright! Alright!" I yell back. Why the hell did I even come back for the weekend? Oh yeah, the dorms were getting fixed. Half n'half may have set part of it on fire. By accident, but now they had to fucking clean it up.

I walk out of my bathroom and back into my room. I quickly get changed, and then put my backpack over my shoulder. I look around at my room. I had taken most of my stuff to the dorms. Just in case I ever ran, I had everything at my real home. I could easily get in there and get out. Then just disappear.

"Katsuki! Hurry up!"

"Wait one fucking minute Old Hag!" I yell. I hear angry footsteps coming up the stairs. My eyes widen, and I quickly go to my window. I open it, and climb out. I close it behind me, and jump out into the bushes behind the house. I hear my mother scream in anger as I walk down the street.


Finally, I get to UA. I go to the dorms first. Hey. They fixed it. I throw down the bag of clothes I had brought 'home' onto my bed. Then, start walking to my school.

"Bakubro!" I heat Shitty Hair yell from behind me. My body involuntarily stiffens when he throws his arms around me. "There you are! How was your weekend at home!?"

"S'fine." I mumble. Kiri doesn't know about my home life. Nobody does, not even Deku. But he does know, that once I get back from my 'home,' I get quiet for a while. Then go back to usual. I'm glad he doesn't pursue the question, but I always wonder why. Is it because he just doesn't care? No, it is because he just doesn't care. Nobody fucking cares about me.

"Hey guys!" Lightning Dolt yells from the front doors to the school. "How's it going!?"

"Great!" Shitty Hair says. He starts talking about what he had done during the weekend. I tune it out, and just let the idiot guide me to class.

I feel like I'm gonna pass out. I didn't even get an hour of sleep last night. Or the nights before. Or three nights ago. Or for the last few months. I know I should probably ask for help, but I'm not weak. I can deal with this myself. And besides, I'm fine!


I'm not fine. I'm breaking down in the janitors closet during Lunch. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

The tears roll down my face, despite my weak protesting. My body is shaking. Everytime I hear even the quietest of noises, I freeze up. And I try my best to stay quiet. When it stops, I cry out. Then muffle it by biting down onto my shirt sleeve. Which just puts unwanted pressure onto the bandages I applied earlier, which just makes this pain worse.

Soon, I hear the bell ring. My eyes widen, and I wipe at my tears. I take out my phone and turn the camera on. Okay. It doesn't look like I was just crying. I shakily stand up, and walk out. My hands in my pockets. My head hung low so I didn't catch anyone staring at me.

After a minute, I reach the door to Class 1-A. I open the door, and head straight to my seat. I sit down, and let my head rest in my arms. And then, I drift off.

I'm back. Back in the place where that idiot All For One was. But this time, I don't make it to Kirishima. I don't catch his hand.

I fall back down to the ground, and the League takes me away. They hold me down, and force me to work with them.

I watch the news as it portrays the title. "All Might pronounced dead, and UA student still gone."

"Let me go!" I scream.

"Mmm... how about no?" Shigaraki smirks crazily.

"They've gotta be worried! Let me fucking go you crusty bitch!" I yell.

"Do you actually think they miss you?" Shigaraki asks. "Or were they just faking it? Because they definitely were." He clicks a button on some remote. The TV changes. "Because they've already replaced you Katsuki."

The headline read, 'UA student, Shinso Hitoshi, taking Bakugou Katsuki's place in Class 1-A.'

"No." I shake my head. "They wouldn't... they would never-!"

"They wouldn't?" He asks, curiosity in his voice. "But the truth is, they. Don't. Care. They. Hate. You. You're a name-calling, violent, rude, angry, loud, anger-issued boy. They never cared. It's all just an act. To see who's the best actor. So far, I think it's Kirishima. Or, as you call him, Shitty Hair. He acts like he cares about you, but in reality he doesn't. He hates your guts. They all do. Maybe it'd be better if you take up on your own offer."

"Swan-dive." A voice whispers in my ear.

I jerk awake. I fall out of my chair, and it hits the floor with a loud bang. Firecracker like noises come from my palms. Everyone in the class looks at me.

"S-Sorry." I say. "Thought I saw a... uh... spider." I stand back up. I pull the chair up, and sit back down. Aizawa continues speaking. I stare out the window. Thinking of all the families I had seen on the way to UA.

How happy they seemed. How joyful. How full of smiles they were. And everyone in this fucking room. All had the perfect fucking lives. All had the perfect families. Perfect grades.

Well, except for Candy Cane in the back.

But that's beside the point. Everyone has such amazing lives. And they all assume I'm okay. That I'm fearless and strong. That nothing is wrong with me. That I'm Bakugou Katsuki. The strong one. The violent one. The loud and anger-issued one.

"Okay. Everyone, go and get changed into your school gym uniform." Aizawa says. "Today we'll be doing 1v1 sparring." He looks at me. Of course he does. Cause I'm violent. Cause I'm gonna be the one causing trouble.


Buckle up, cause this is gonna be Fluff and angst mushed together. Have fun!

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