Facade- Chapter 15

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●It's Sad
When People You
Know Become
People You Knew●

~Bakugou's POV~

It had been two days.

And I was released.

Nobody else from Class 1-A knew I was awake yet.
I was going to... surprise them.

Also, supposedly, while I was asleep. Mineta said some shit about how I deserved it or some shit.
So Shinso's in Class 1-A now! Yay!

"Are you sure you're okay?" Kirishima asks me as we walk down the street to the dorms.

"Yes! Geez. I'm fine." Then, a carefully placed rock ruins it.

Kirishima catches me before I hit the ground. And I look up at him. A blush creeping onto both our faces.

I hadn't told anyone about what I had heard while I was 'asleep.'

So for now, Kirishima didnt know that I knew he liked me.

God. I don't even know if I should tell him I know.

"C-Come on." He pulls me up, and we stiffly walk the rest of the way.

I stop at the walkway to the dorms.

"Bakubro?" Kirishima asks, turning and looking at me.
"Hey. Hey. It's okay." He walks up and hug me. "It's okay. I'm here."

"R-Right." I stutter.

He lets me go.

And an involuntary whimper escapes my lips.

He smiles warmly at me, and then holds out his hand.

I shakily take it.

He squeezes my hand to reassure me. And we start walking up to the entrance.

"It's gonna be okay." He whispers.

I shakily breath in and out.

"Can I open the door now?"

I nod my head. He smiles at me again, and opens the door.

"Guess who woke up!" Kirishima yells.

The entire class was sitting by the couches. They all turned their heads quickly.

"Kachann!" I fall back and my hand is ripped from Kirishima's as Izu... Izu... Mido... nope. As Deku wraps his arms around me.
"My god. You're okay!" He yells, gripping me tightly.

"Holy shit!"

It goes like that. I get hugs from everyone. Even Sparkly and Koro-Sensei.

"We're glad you're okay." Icyhot says.

"Okay guys. Give him some space." Kirishima says, pushing everyone away from me.

"Why aren't you guys at all surprised!?" Round Face asks the Bakusquad.

"Well..." Mina rubs the back of her neck.

"He's kinda... been awake for two days." Kaminari says. "We wanted to give him some time before he saw everyone again. And then he brought up the idea of surprising everyone."

"We are all super relieved that you are okay Bakugou!" Glasses says, waving his arms around.

My eyes widen, and I fall back.
My arms go to my head in a protecting move.
My breathing had started up.

"Bakugou-! Iida! Don't wave your arms around like that!" I hear Kaminari yell.

"Hey. Hey. Bakubro. Are you okay?" Kirishima asks.

"F-Fine." I gasp out. "Just... don't do that Glasses."

"Oh. Okay. I will try and refrain from doing this from now on!" Iida says.

"Good." I stand up.

"Why don't we go shopping?" Icyhot proposes.
He holds up a bag.
"Twenty of my dads Credit Cards. Lots of yen. Who wants to go? To celebrate Bakugou being okay."

Everyone cheers.

As we walk out, I ask him.

"Does your dad know you stole his credit cards?" I ask him.

"Yeah. I was wondering that to." Tokoyami says.
The rest of the class nods their heads.

Icyhot just smirks.
"Yeah. Perfect blackmail. Either he gives me what I want, or I tell everyone the truth about our 'perfect' family."

The class laughs.
But I just stare ahead.

"Hey Kirishima?" I pull him aside.

"Oh- yeah Bakubro?" He asks.

"Does... my mom know... that I'm awake?" I ask him.

"I don't know." He shakes his head. "I did hear Aizawa saying something though. That once you feel it, we'll go to court against her."

"Okay." I nod my head.

"Hey." He holds my hand again. "It's gonna be okay."

"O-Okay." I nod my head.

He just smiles.

And with that, we catch up to the rest of the class.


The emotions are back!

I hope you liked it!



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