Facade- Chapter 20

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●Don't Take Life Too
Seriously, It's Not Like
You're Getting Out Alive●


"The Jury finds... Bakugou Masaru and Mitsuki guilty. On all charges." The Judge says after many weeks of court.

Seems the fashion model and fashion artist did a lot to their son.

Speaking of their son.

He was crying shamelessly while holding onto Kirishima, who had jumped over the small fence separating the audience and the judge.

Class 1-A was extremely happy and thrilled for their classmate.

But were shocked to find out everything his 'parents' had done to him.
And it was a complete given to be worried for the future of the boy.

Where he would live?

Who would pay for his schooling?

The whole package.

But for now, they decided to be happy for the ash blonde.


"We got the pizza!" Kaminari and Shinso walk into the Class 1-A dorms with pizza boxes in their hands.

Behind them, Sero and Jirou held the drinks and the candy.

"What movie should we watch first!?" Kaminari wonders.

"You should let Katsuki pick! After all, we are kinda celebrating the win today." Kirishima says, smiling widely.

"Katsuki! What are we gonna watch?" Ochako asks.

Before the case had started, Katsuki had asked his classmates to call him 'Katsuki.'
He said the name 'Bakugou' just brought back bad memories circling his mother and father.

A wide smirk falls onto the explosive users face.

The class immediately regrets letting him pick the movie.

"Would You Rather." He smirks wider.
(Not that scary.
Attempted Rape Warning
Kinda Funny if you're a psychopath. So it was hilarious for me especially,
"Just put it in. In and out."
Proceeds to stab the grandma in the leg and holding it there.
Pulls it out after like, 10 seconds.
"I think I hit the artery."
I'm such a horrible person.
It's on Netflix btw
And I'm gonna be putting some comments on the movie here and there, just not to an extent of spoiling it)

"That sounds creepy." Tsu says.

"No way." Koda says, trying to walk away.

"Come on Koda!" Midoriya pleads. "For Katsuki?"

Koda looks past Midoriya at the ash blonde laughing maniacally at his friends suffering.

After a few seconds the boy sighs.
"Fine. Fine."

"Yay!" Midoriya cheers.

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