Facade- Chapter 5

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●Your Worst Battle Is
Between What You Know
And What You Feel●

~Kaminari's POV~

Oh god. What do I do!?!?!?

Oh, hi! You're probably wondering, "Kaminari! What happened!?"

Well, uh... I had noticed Bakugou kinda being off ever since the camp attack and since he got kidnapped. And well...

It just kept getting worse. And anytime he'd go home, I had noticed bruises showing up on his skin. Nobody else had noticed. And Bakugou always hid them.

So, when Todoroki accidentally set the dorms on fire, and Bakugou went home. I was among the three that stayed back while they fixed the dorms. And well... I kinda went through his dorm.

So now, here I am. Freaking out. Heh. It's been a week and a half since we got back and I stole his blades, drinks, and drugs. I had stuffed them under my bed.
Successfully hiding them.

He hasn't asked anyone about it. And I get why! I don't think he wants anyone to see him as weak!
And I don't! He's the strongest person I know! I just wish... everyone else could see past the facade he has up.

Should I ask him about it? Should I ask? I wanna help, I do. But will he even accept it!? He's stubborn! I don't think he'd let me help him!

Augh! This is bad!

Fuck! He's probably already got new blades and new drinks! Fuck! What if he kills himself!?

No. No. No!
I can't let that happen!
I've gotta help him!

Alright Denki! You've got this!

I start walking to my door. But then immediately turn around.

I need to help him. But how!?

Okay. Okay. Tomorrow. Tomorrow is Saturday. Most everyone will be going home. Okay.

Bakugou and myself are the only ones staying. You've got this!

I can talk to him then. When the the others aren't here. And he can just let it all out.

You've got this Denki.


I don't got this.

You're literally right outside his door! Fucking knock you coward!

I look down at the bag of things in my hand. You couldn't see through the bag. And that was for a reason.

I had put his drugs, drinks, and stained bloody blades in the bag. I need to do this. Come on Denki.

I walk over to his door. I raise my fist, and knock on it. No response. So I knock again. Again, no response. No. No. No.

Please! Be alive Bakugou!

"Bakugou?" I ask, barely above a whisper. Tears threaten to start falling down my face. Please! Fucking be alive! "Are you... in there? I need to talk to you?"

"What Pikachu?" He asks from the other side. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Can I uh... come in?" I ask.

"Doors open." I hear his gruff voice respond. He sounds like he's been crying. I open the door.
He's sitting on his bed. Back against the wall. Reading a book. He's leaning against a pillow, and a blanket is thrown over him. It looked very sloppily thrown over him though. And the book was upside down.

"Well!?" He yells. Then he spots the bag I'm holding. "What's in the bag?" He asks, eyeing it suspiciously.

I close and lock the door behind me. I walk over to his bed, and turn the bag over. Letting the contents fall out.
His eyes widen. He drops the book. And then is when I see what he was hiding. Bloody bandages were lazily wrapped around his arms.
"You went through my room?" He asks in a dangerously low voice.

I stand my ground though. I don't waver. I don't show fear. Though I'm terrified he's gonna blow me to pieces, I need to help him. Even if he doesn't want it.

"I noticed you had been acting differently." I say, going into explaining quickly. "Not eating. Not yelling back as much. Not giving it your all. Or, giving it your all. Just, you weren't as strong as before. I started noticing you had eye bags and you would stutter in your steps. You always looked like you were gonna pass out. Like you were gonna throw up. And so, when I was here two weeks ago, and you were home. I went through your dorm, and confirmed my suspicions by finding these." I breath in and out. "I wanna hel-"

"I don't need, nor want, your help Pikachu." He growls.

"Bakugou. You-"

"I don't need help!" He yells.

"Really!? Cause what I found in your room says otherwise!" Fuck. Don't raise your voice at him.
Denki! You need to help!

"I can deal with it myself!"

"Oh really!? You can!? Cause it doesn't look like you can!"

"I've been dealing with it by myself for years! I don't need help now Lightning Dolt!"

"I don't care! I'm helping you Bakugou!"

"No you aren't!"

"Yes I am!"

"I don't need you fucking-!"

"I'm not losing another friend to suicide!" I yell, tears starting to stream down my face. He shuts up. "I'm not... losing another person I care about... to suicide." I say.


"Kaminari." I say sternly. "My name. Is Kaminari Denki. And you'll fucking use it."

He looks shocked. "O... okay." He nods his head.

"I'm helping you." I say. "I refuse to come in here one day, ready to ask if you wanna play Mario Cart, only to find you dead. I don't want another image of someone I care about covered in blood engrained into my mind. Please. Let me help."

"Fine." He says after a few minutes of silence. "But you can't tell the teachers! Or anybody else!" He says quickly.

"Okay." I nod my head.


Were you expecting someone else? Yeah you probably were.

Hope you enjoyed!
And Stay Tuned!


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