Facade- Chapter 11

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●The Worst Part
About Being Strong
Is That No One
Ever Asks
If You're Okay●

~Bakugou's POV~

I sit down in my seat.

I pull out my headphones and put them on. Plugging them into my phone I turn my music all the way up.

I look out the window at the grounds below me.
All of the students piling into the school. Ready to start the day.

I spot Shinso walking with Pikachu, Earjack, Tape Arms, Pinky, and Shitty Hair.
They already replaced me.

I don't blame them though.
I deserve it.

I'm a monster.
A Villain.
I'm evil.
A monstrosity.
I'm... evil.

Of course they wouldn't wanna hang out with me anymore.
They hate me.
They all... hate me.

I hear the door slide open.
In the reflection of the window I see Deku, Froppy, Glasses, Round Face, God, and Icyhot.
(God is Momo)

They all stand there.
Just staring at me.
I set off small explosions in my hands, and they walk in.

Soon, everyone else is piling into the Classroom.
All giving me weird and confused looks.
I see the 'Bakusquad' saying goodbye to the Insomniac.

I'm the real Insomniac though, right? I barely ever even sleep.

Aizawa soon walks in.

I stay looking out the window.
My chin resting on my hand.
Music blasting in me ears.

God. I'm so tired.
I didn't sleep at all last night.

And, my bandages were even more lazily applied today.
They were gonna come off if I even moved wrong.
I'm glad I always keep extra in my locker. I've just gotta wait until then.
Fuck. What if the class starts asking about my behavior?
I already know they all hate me. Especially after what I said to that floaty bitch earlier.

My headphones are ripped from my head. I jump violently and fall back from my chair. Hitting the floor.

I look up at Aizawa.
He was holding my headphones. The song blasting from the headphones. My phone laying on the desk.
He looks shocked. I don't think he was expecting that reaction out of me.

"W-What?" I growl, trying to ignore the shaking in my voice. I stand up, despite the pain of falling on my bruises I had gotten from my mother and myself.

"Don't listen to music in my class." And with that, he walks back up to the front.

At the end of the class, I try walking out first.

"Bakugou." Aizawa calls in a stern voice.
I freeze, and turn and look at him.
"Stay back please." He says.
I nod my head, and walk over to him.

Once everyone is out, he speaks.

"Where were you yesterday?" He asks, looking intimidating.

"H-Home." WHY DID YOU STUTTER YOU IDIOT!? "I was... home... uh... sick."
Very fucking believable Katsuki!

"Mhm... so... you were home? All day? Sick?" I nod my head.
"So how come, when I called your mom asking where you were, she said you dissapeared the night before?"

"Well... uh..." IDIOT!

"Couple weeks ago, when you came into the teachers lounge asking if we did a dorm check, the bell rang. So tell me, what was in your dorm that you didn't want anyone to know about?"

"Sensei... I-I should probably get to the next class." I say, pointing towards the door. "I'll uh... don't wanna be late, y'know?"

"I can write you a pass." He shrugs.

"I really should get going."
I try walking away, but a grip hand on my wrist stops me.

I whimper in pain, tears prickling at the corners of my eyes, as he grips tightly onto my cuts.

He lets me go, and I turn.
He has wide eyes.

"Bakugou." He says sternly. He holds his hands out. "Arms. Now."

I shakily hold my arms out.
He takes them, and pulls the sleeves up.
The bandages were slightly coming undone. So you could clearly see the cuts and the blood.
Some as fresh from just two hours ago.
Some as old from two years ago.

"How long?" He asks.

"Wha... what?" I ask, tears starting to fall down my face.

"How long... have you been cutting?" He repeats.
"I... first did it when I was... tw... twelve. I only did it once though!"
"And what about these?" He asks, motioning to the others.

"After... I got kidnapped... I just... did it once... and couldn't... I just couldn't stop." I say, forcing back tears.


A sob escapes my lips.
"Don't!" I yell, successfully silencing him. "I'm weak, okay!? I know! I don't need you telling me! I'm weak! I'm violent! I'm evil! I'm a monster! I'm the Villain! I know! Okay!? I should just... just do everyone a favor and off myself! I just gotta take my own advice and swan dive off the roof!"

"No!" Aizawa practically yells at me. I flinch back. And he sighs.
"Bakugou." He says in a much more gentler tone. "You may be a little loud. And violent. But that's not something you can really control. And the... your classmates care for you. They may not show it, but they do. Go to your next class, okay? We'll talk more later."

"O-Okay." I nod my head.

I start walking out, but he calls my name. I stop and turn around.

"Just... keep your head up, okay?" I put on a fake smile, and nod my head.
As I walk to my next class, I wipe my tears. And put on the same emotionless face as before.


It was Lunch now.
I was sitting in the Classroom.
Just staring out the window.

Would a fall from this height kill me? Or just seriously injure?

I dunno.

I still wanna know what death feels like. Is it freeing?
Does it hurt?
Do you regret anything?
Does you life really flash before your eyes?

What's the afterlife like?
Is there even one?
Is some type of rebirth thing?
Is there a heaven or hell?
Is there anything at all?

I wanna know.

I'm gonna know.


I was gonna continue the chapter, but decided this was a good place to end it.



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