Facade- Chapter 8

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●Apologize? For Being Heartless? Did Anybody
Apologize For
Making Me This Way?●

~Bakugou's POV~

"Bakubro-! There you are!" Shitty Hair yells once I walk out of the elevator.
He runs towards me, and throws his arm around my shoulders.
Was he gonna hug me?

"Where were you yesterday?" He asks.
Was he worried? No. No way.

"We were all super worried!" He says.
He's lying. He's... he's gotta be.
Nobody was fucking worried.

"Hey Bakugou. Where were you?" Pinky asks.

"Didn't feel well. So I stayed home." I say.

"Why didn't you answer your phone? We all called you." Sero says.

"I was sleeping!" I snap. "Why have you gotta be so fucking nosy!?"
They all flinch, and back away. Shitty Hair let's me go.

I push past them and start walking to the entrance.

"Bakugou." I hear Pikachu say. I turn. He was walking up to me. "Are you okay? I'm sorry for kinda leaving you alone last night. I should've asked if you were alright. So, are you?"

"I'm fine Pikachu." I say, wanting to get out before I lose my temper.

"Are you sure? You look-"

"I said I'm fine!" I yell. Pushing him away from me.
He hits the floor.

"Bakugou!" Glasses yells, starting to walk towards us.

"I'm fine Iida." Pikachu stands up. "No need to worry. See ya Bakugou." I grunt a response, and start walking away.

Over the past few weeks he's been trying to help me, he's gotten used to me lashing out. Pushing him away. I haven't physically hit him though.
Not yet. I will eventually. I'm a monster. It's what I fucking do.
I start walking to school. I'm at Class 1-A in 8 minutes. I walk in and go straight to my seat.
I sit down and cross my legs on the desk, folding my hands behind my head.

15 minutes go by and everyone else is piling into the Classroom.

"Hey Kachann. Where were you yesterday?" Deku asks.

"Sick." I say.

"You don't... look sick." He says.

"It's cause I'm fucking better now Deku!" I yell at him, banging my fist onto the desk.
He flinches back. And immediately takes his seat.

"Everyone in your seats." Aizawa opens the door to the Classroom.
"Okay. I've already written what to do on the board. Come up and get the packet. Then do it, okay?"

A chorus of 'yes sir' comes from the class. I force myself up to the front and grab the top packet.
I walk back to my seat and take out a pencil. Then start working on the fucking thing.

God I'm tired. I got 30 minutes of sleep last night.
I haven't eaten in like, two weeks.
And to make matters worse, I was tired when applying today's bandages.
They could come off any minute now. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

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