Facade- Chapter 19

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●You've Turned The Page?
Bitch I've Burned
The Fucking Book!●

~3rd Person POV~

Class 1-A was beat easily.

They all laid on the concrete, breathing heavily.

Well, except for one.

Bakugou Katsuki.

He stood a few feet away from Hawks. Ready to set off explosions at any second if the speed Hero showed any signs of moving.

"Well!?" He yells, fire cracker noises coming from his gloved palms.

"Oh! I was hoping you'd attack first." He says, twirling around a feather in his hand.

"Come at me so-called 'fastest' Hero!" Katsuki yells.

Hawks smirks, and flies quickly. He shows up behind Katsuki, feather raised.

Katsuki turns and hits him with an explosion that sends him flying.

The rest of Class 1-A had moved over by Aizawa, who had sat up, because they were out.
They watched with fascinated eyes as the Hero and upcoming fought.

"Heh. You're strong." Hawks says, flying up into the air.
"But are you fast?"

He flies again. Zooming through the air.

Katsuki, not knowing where he's gonna show up, does a full 360, setting off explosions all around him.

Hawks skids to a stop right outside of his range.
He trips over himself and falls onto the ground.

"Whoo! Go Katsuki!" Kirishima yells from the sidelines.

The class followed the red head and cheered for the ash blonde.
Who just smirked.

Present Mic walks into Ground Beta and walks to Aizawa.

He leans down and whispers something into his ear.

"Shit." He mutters.

"Is something wrong Mr. Aizawa?" Midoriya asks.

Aizawa doesn't answer.
He just stands up and takes out his scarf.

Katsuki and Hawks had both practically flown into the air.

Hawks using his wings, and Katsuki using his explosions.

They were going at eachother head on now.

Hawks had two feathers raised and Katsuki had explosions going off in his palms.

When suddenly, a scarf wraps around both their waists and throws them to the ground.

"Huh!?" Hawks exclaims.

"What the hell teach!?" Katsuki yells.

"We need you in the Principal's office Bakugou." Aizawa says.

"Why!?" He yells, standing up.

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