Facade- Chapter 13

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●Every Tear... Tells A
Story, Because People
Don't Cry Without

~3rd Person POV~

"Why can't we see him!?" Kirishima practically yells at the teacher.

"He left 5 minutes ago." Aizawa says, trying to remain calm.

"Where the hell is Recovery Girl!?" Kaminari yells.

"Overseas. We've called her, but she isn't gonna be back for another couple days." Aizawa says.

"Fuck!" Kaminari yells, sparks flying off of him.

"Kaminari. Please. Try and stay calm-"

"Calm!?" He yells. "I fucking knew! I've known for a month! I tried helping him, and it still didn't work! This is my fault!"

"It's not your fault! It's none of yours fault!" Aizawa yells. "If anything, it's the school's fault! My fault! Because we didn't notice what he was going through! The unexplainable bruises! And the way he was getting weaker and weaker each day!"

Aizawa breathes in and out to calm himself.
The class was shocked. They'd never seen Aizawa get so mad.

Aizawa reaches into his pocket and pulls out a folded piece of paper. "He wrote this. I've gotta get to the hospital. Go to bed once you read it. And for once, I'm giving you five permission to stay in one room for tonight." He points at the Bakusquad.
Then he turns and leaves the dorms. Heading to the hospital.


"Keep him alive Teruhashi!"

"I'm trying! I've never used my Quirk to this extent!"


"Teruhashi! Drink this! It'll boost your energy!"

"Thank you Daichi!"

"Dr. Hawthorn! We're losing him! He's lost to much blood!"

"Where in the hell did he get all of these bruises!?"

"Ignore the bruises! Focus on saving his life!"


"She's out cold sir!"


"Get Hella!"

"Got it Sir!"

"God I hope she can save this boy."

~Bakugou's POV~

Am I... dead?

It's so silent.
But somehow so loud.

Did someone... find me?
No. No. Am I still alive?

God. I hope not.

I can't feel my limbs.
It's so numb.

I try moving, but immediate pain flares throughout my body.
A groan escapes my lips.

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