Facade- Chapter 3

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●Using A White Crayon On
A White Paper Is Like
Loving Someone Who
Doesn't Feel The Same Way
It Marks... But
Always Invisible●

~Bakugou's POV~

What time is it?

I sit up in my bed. I've been laying here for hours. The second we got back from school, I made a b-line for my dorm. I had thrown my bag down, and just laid down.

How long has it even been?

I reach to my bedside and grab my phone. I click the power button.
God. That's bright.

I turn the brightness down and look at the time.


Just fucking great. Another night of no sleep. Fuck!

I roll off my bed, and hit the floor with an audible 'thump.' I struggle to stand up because of my tiredness, and walk over to my bathroom. I open the door and lean down and open the cabinet under the sink.

"Where is it? Where is it?" I mutter as I rummage through the stuff under the sink.

No. No. No. Where the FUCK are my fucking blades!?

Did... did someone go through my room!? Oh god. What if they did some mandatory dorm check.

My eyes widen, and I quickly leave my restroom. I go over to my wardrobe, and open it. I start going through the boxes on the bottom.

No. No. No. This is bad. This is bad.
My drinks are gone.
Fuck. What about my smokes?

I lay on my stomach on the floor, and reach under my bed. I pull out a black shoebox.
I open it...

Oh thank god.
I pull out a pack of cigarettes.

I walk over to my wardrobe and put on socks and sneakers. Then I change out of my school uniform and put on a white shirt and a jacket with black sweatpants.

I grab my phone and headphones.
I plug the headphones in and out them over my head. I stick my phone into my jacket pocket.

I quietly walk out of my room, and make my way to the stairs. I open the door, and start walking all the way up. I stop at the door to the roof, and open it.

It's raining. I pull my hood on, and walk out. I close the door behind me, and lean against the wall. Kind of out of the rain. I sink down.

I turn my music up, and take out a cigarette and a lighter.
I light the cigarette, and then put it in my mouth. I remember when I first had these. It tasted horrible. I thought I was gonna die.

I take the cigarette out of my mouth, and blow a puff of smoke out of my mouth.

I'm so screwed if they went through my room. If anyone went through my room.
I should ask Aizawa tomorrow, but if they didn't, I don't want him to know. I'll have to be discreet.

Just ask if they did some mandatory room check that I didn't know anything about. If he says no, leave it at that. And find out who the hell took your stuff.



Who do you think went through Bakugou's room and found his blades and drinks?
(Hint: The person is apart of the Bakusquad)

Anyways, Peace Out!


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